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發表於 2018-4-16 06:33:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The People’s Progressive Party has commissioned a new state-of-the art two-storeyFreedom House at Anna Regina, Region Two. According to Mr. Vishnu Samaroo, Regional Vice Chairman and first secretary for the PPP in Region Two,Wholesale Jerseys, the project cost some $12M and was constructed by Bhajnauth constructing Service from Reliance village.The new party office replaces the old one at Reliance.The two-storey concrete building  will house three offices — The Women’s Progressive Organization (WPO), Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) and the regional branch of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).The bottom flat of the building will facilitate seminars and meetings for young people.According to the General Secretary of the Party, Donald Ramotar, the commissioning of the structure coincides with the party’s 60th anniversary.The party was founded on January 1,Cheap Jerseys, 1950.Mr. Ramotar noted that the commissioning of the new party in region two is the first in a multitude of commemorative activities to be held throughout 2010 in all regions.Reigon Two Chairman,Cheap Jerseys Online, Alli Baksh,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, said that the opening of the party office in Anna Regina is a joyous occasion for his region.He emphasized that the drive to mobilize funds and other resources for the construction of the new office building started in earnest four years ago. “I can safely say that all the different groups in region two contributed toward numerous fund raising activities and today we can have such beautiful structures”.Mr. Navin Chandarpal; Harrypersaud Nokta,Discount NFL Jerseys, Co-ordinator of the Hinterland Affairs (Ministry of Local Government; Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, PPP Central Committee member; Mr. Kellawan Lall,NFL Jerseys China, Minister of Local Government; and Mr. Shewchand Permanent Secretary Local Government.Also attending were Member of Parliament of Reigon Two Mr. Farouk Khan; Parmanand Persaud; and members from the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO) and the Women’s Progressive Organization (WPO).

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