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發表於 2018-4-16 09:01:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Quarterback Colin Kaepernick was sacked eight times in a 13-10 loss that dropped the 49ers to 4-4, and it ended with Kaepernick losing a fumble at the goal line trying for the go-ahead touchdown.
Some questioned the Niners not running the ball on third-and-1, but Gore defended offensive coordinator Greg Roman.
"The last one was my fault,Cheap NFL Jerseys," Kaepernick said, noting the O-line is back working hard. "Marcus did a great job, didn't have a problem with the snaps all day."
When asked about Hall of Famers Jerry Rice and Steve Young weighing on what's going wrong, Harbaugh said:  "I really don't comment on anything that's coming from outside or flak. Keep that on the outside. It's up to us, the men in the room. We have a challenge ahead of us."
"We have all the talent in the world. We've been doing some dumb stuff and they took advantage of it,NFL Jerseys Wholesale," Staley said afterward. "Penalties, dumb blocks, dumb techniques, and dumb schemes."

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — San Francisco 49ers left tackle Joe Staley insists his strong comments after Sunday's loss to the Rams were not intended to question the coaching staff but rather point out how poorly the offensive line performed.
Running back Frank Gore, for one, still believes this team will get going in the right direction. San Francisco has reached three straight NFC championship games.
Staley said Wednesday there was no need to discuss his remarks with coach Jim Harbaugh, who addressed the team Tuesday. The veteran offensive lineman clarified what he meant postgame,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, too.
"We're going to the playoffs ... we're going to do it. We've got great coaches, great guys, we're used to this. The last three years we've been spoiled,Wholesale Jerseys Store," Gore said. "We've got to look at ourselves. When you're watching the film, it's just not us, it's not us at all."
In fact, Kaepernick blamed himself for the costly fumble in the waning moments — not pointing fingers at rookie center Marcus Martin, who made his NFL debut starting in place of the injured Daniel Kilgore.
For the offensive line to better protect Kaepernick, Staley said the unit must get back to basics and make adjustments in technique.
It doesn't get easier the next two weeks, beginning with Sunday's game at New Orleans and a trip to New York to face the Giants the following weekend.
"It was reported that I was basically calling out other people," Staley explained. "I was saying we all played bad. It was frustrating. When I said 'dumb blocks' and 'dumb techniques,' I was talking about us as an offensive line we were making bad blocks, not saying,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, 'We are doing this because we are taught this.' We were making dumb blocks. In that sense, what I was meaning to say is we all have a hand in this and we're all responsible and all accountable. I stand by that statement."
"We definitely have to stick together," Staley said. "This loss is not on one person,Cheap China Jerseys, one group. It's a team loss, team game. We have to stick together and move forward, and we will do that. We have a close-knit locker room, a lot of high-character guys and a lot of good leadership."
Notes: LB Patrick Willis, who missed his second straight game with a strained muscle in his left big toe, and LB Dan Skuta (ankle), weren't on the field when practice began while WR Brandon Lloyd (hamstring) and CB Tramaine Brock (toe) were practicing.

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