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發表於 2018-4-16 09:50:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Canadian Jean Le Blanc, who was shot during the execution-style killing of Ricardo Rodrigues on October 15, died yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Le Blanc was being treated for a gunshot injury to the buttocks. A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. However from all indications the man was well on the road to recovery.Le Blanc died around 11:00 hours yesterday while receiving treatment at the hospital’s High Dependency Unit.Meanwhile, several persons who became familiar with Le Blanc during his period of hospitalization said they were shocked at his sudden death as mere hours before nothing seemed wrong.Dead Canadian Jean Le Blanc.“Early this (yesterday) morning we took stuff upstairs for him like normal because he didn’t have anybody in Guyana so we took water and he drink and was talking like normal. He even tell we that he want go back home but the police hold on to he documents,Cheap Jerseys China,” this publication was told.Le Blanc was expected to leave Guyana on Tuesday having been promised the return of his passport by Monday.In an earlier interview, Le Blanc said he was holidaying in Guyana and ‘was in the wrong place at the wrong time’. He had told this publication that he arrived in Guyana on October 13 and was expected to leave three days later.On the day of the shooting he said he was in a taxi passing but asked the driver to stop at the spot to drink a few beers. He claimed that several persons had visited him in the hospital and had promised to inform his family about the incident but “I don’t know if anybody did. Nobody has come and told me that they call.”Meanwhile, as police officers continue their probe, up to press time yesterday a close associate of Ricardo Rodrigues was in police custody assisting with the investigation. Further, the police have since issued a wanted bulletin for businessman Mark De Abreu whom they say may be linked to the killing.On October 15, last Ricardo Rodrigues was killed when gunmen open fired on him while he was sitting at the Pit Stop Bar which is located at the GMR&SC compound, Albert Street. Three other persons, including Le Blanc, were shot.

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