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發表於 2018-4-16 09:51:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… paratroopers  drop from two  miles highParatroopers catapulted from a Blackhawk helicopter 12,000 feet in the air, and soldiers showed how they would conquer a fortified gang hideout, but the military display put on by the Army yesterday was more than just for entertainment value.“It has entertainment value, but also demonstrates the capacity of the force,” said Lieutenant Colonel Enoch Gaskin, who coordinated the event.Called a military tattoo, the showpiece was first done by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in 1972.Hundreds turned out to witness the event, packing into Army Headquarters, Camp Ayangana, to secure a vantage point, while yet many more stood on the streets outside the army headquarters.Gaskin led by example. He was among the first set of parachutists to drop from the air.A Britten Norman Islander was the first aircraft to drop seven parachutists from 7,000 feet. Gaskin was among them and thus made his record 850 free-fall jumps. He started jumping in 1982, being trained locally and in Rio de Janeiro.“Wonderful,” is how he described floating in mid-air. “It is an exhilarating feeling to be totally free; you get a different perspective of life,” he told reporters just after the jump. “Everything seems to happen in slow motion. There are no chances of errors.”He said while parachuting is only seen in displays like the military tattoo, parachuting is a very serious art. According to Gaskin, parachuting is primarily used to insert troops behind enemy lines.“You are trained to do what the ordinary troops don’t do,” explained Gaskin. After the first set of parachutists dropped from the air, a Blackhawk soon circled in mid-air, dropping another 10. But none offered more excitement when it was observed that the final parachute had, not one,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, but two parachutists.The military tattoo was held as part of celebrations to mark the 45th anniversary of the GDF. President Bharrat Jagdeo, who is the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, was on hand to witness the display.“Tattoo” is the traditional signal given originally by drum beat and latterly by bugle call. This signal warned soldiers to return to their quarters for the night. In garrison towns, innkeepers turned off the liquor taps and the drum continued to beat for half an hour, the time allowed for the soldiers to find their way home. The custom eventually developed into a ceremonial performance of military music by massed bands, a few hours after sunset.After the First World war, the ceremony of Tattoo was developed to include the military displays with which the name is now associated, but which have no connection, apart from the music, with the original function of the ceremony.In Guyana, a military tattoo was first held at Eve Leary in 1920 by the British Guiana Militia. The performance included personnel from the Infantry, Artillery and school children. The second tattoo was held in 1963 on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the British Guiana Volunteer Force.The tradition of hosting military tattoos was continued by the Guyana Defence Force and in 1972 a tattoo was organized as part of the anniver­sary celebrations.Other tattoos were successfully held on the occasion of the 20th An­niversary in 1985, 30th Anniversary in 1995 and 40th Anniversary in 2005. All of these events were held on the playfleld at Camp Ayanganna.The other aspects of the tattoo included a presentation by the GDF’s Band Corps, which showed all the elements of the band’s compliment; a series of Wu Shu style Martial Arts moves executed by recruits; a simulation of a counter narcotics operations to capture narco-terrorists; and a fireworks display.

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