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發表於 2018-4-16 13:08:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A mother of two was stabbed in the head multiple times on Sunday, and was forced to seek medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation (GPHC).According to Nazmoon Neisha Saffie, 36, of 59 First Street, Alexander Village, who came to this newspaper covered in blood and her head bandaged, said that she was fearful for her life and that an abusive relationship between her and a male acquaintance who constantly assaults her almost everyday is heading for the worst.Terrified Nazmoon Neisha Saffie “He was drinking and he come home and asked me what I cook, and I told him dholl and rice with gizzard curry. He asked me if that is what I cooking, I told he that is what he ask me to cook. Then he started to curse and hit me. I chuck he and he pulled out a knife from his waist and juk me in my head,” said Nazmoon.The woman,Nike NFL Jerseys China, who was terrified and frustrated, further related that her spouse normally drinks a lot and that the physical abuse is taking a toll on her health.She had asked for a separation but was told that she would have to go to court.“He normally threatens me and my two children from a previous relationship; every time that I report this matter to the Ruimveldt Police Station they never have a vehicle to come or they always have an excuse. I even went to the Ministry of Social Services but did not receive any help. I might die.”According to Priya Benny, 19, the daughter of the abused woman, her mother is treated very badly and it hurts her to see her suffer, she would like to see justice prevail.“My mother is treated like a dog; she sleeps many nights in the yard without food or any comfort. He dislikes me too because he tried to hustle me when I was 12 years old and I never encouraged him. My brother who lives with them sleeps in the dog pen or the platform he is not allowed to sleep in the house at nights.”

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