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發表於 2018-4-16 19:16:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Washington's second- and third-team offensive units — led by quarterbacks Kirk Cousins and Colt McCoy — have enjoyed more success than the first team in the preseason.
Asked if that meant Griffin would have stayed in the game against Detroit if not for his injury,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, Gruden said: "Probably,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, yeah."
ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — Robert Griffin III returned to practice Sunday, three days after the Washington quarterback left the Redskins' exhibition game against the Detroit Lions because of a concussion.
Griffin, who repeatedly wound up on the FedEx Field turf, was sacked three times and fumbled twice in four possessions. He went 2 for 5 for 8 yards as Washington improved to 2-0 in the preseason.
"We were a 4-12 football team last year, and for me to rest our starters after one series in the preseason game is, to me, not right. We need the practice, so we're going to try and get as much as we can - being that he's cleared if he's cleared - against Baltimore, no question about it."

Gruden was asked how Griffin progressed quickly through the NFL's concussion protocols.
"He was cleared for non-contact activity today," coach Jay Gruden said. "He'll be checked by a neurosurgeon later this week to determine whether he'll be cleared for (Saturday's game against the Ravens), but so far so good.
"He didn't have any headaches or anything of that nature. He did a good job of executing the offense today,Cheap Jerseys From China."
Griffin did not appear to engage in any contact on Sunday.
"No, I would have gone more the other day to be honest with you," he said. "I think we need the work. We absolutely need to work, whether he takes one shot or ten shots. We've got to get our offense going.
Griffin, who speaks to the media once a week and after games, wasn't made available Sunday.
Gruden said nothing else will impede the number of snaps Griffin and the starters get if he's cleared to play against the Ravens,NBA Jerseys China.
Griffin fully participated in individual, 7 on 7 and 11 on 11 drills during the approximately 2-hour session at Redskins Park.
"I have no idea," Gruden said. "You know,NFL Jerseys China, he just went through the necessary steps with the doctors and the concussion tests that is all implemented by our training staff. And so far he has taken the necessary steps."
In addition to his work on Thursday, he played the first quarter in the preseason opener at Cleveland, going 4 for 8 for 36 yards,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, plus one run for 3 yards. A potential long completion was dropped by receiver Pierre Garcon.
He was injured when Lions defensive end Corey Wootton landed on him while the quarterback tried to recover his own fumble early in the second quarter of the Redskins' 21-17 home victory Thursday night.

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