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發表於 2018-4-17 02:13:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Somehow I'll have to figure out a way to change the way I run, but still keep the physical part of it," Lacy said. "It's not really something I'm trying to change as of now. I guess as I get older I will figure out how it goes."
Green Bay last played on Sept. 4, so Lacy had a few extra days to rest after getting the weekend off. After sitting out Wednesday's practice, Lacy resumed normal activities on Thursday. He pronounced himself ready if coach Mike McCarthy decides to give him 25 carries.
The second change appears to be more immediate.
It was Lacy's second concussion in nearly a year, enough to get him thinking about adjusting his running style.

The latest concussion occurred after getting hit by safety Kam Chancellor. Lacy said he isn't sure whether the new helmet may have limited the severity of his latest concussion, because he didn't suffer a second concussion wearing his old helmet.
Starting right tackle Bryan Bulaga, who hurt his left knee against Seattle,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, also practiced for a second straight day on a limited basis, as did tight end Brandon Bostick, who is coming back from a leg injury.
But the aftereffects from that concussion, which he absorbed while wearing his old helmet, were apparently worse.
"I tried it out, and I think I'll go back," Lacy said.
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Eddie Lacy is back after another concussion,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, and he is pondering a couple of changes.
Whichever helmet he uses, and whenever he tweaks his running style, Lacy doesn't seem too worried right now about the long term. He sported his usual, easygoing attitude after practice.
"That's what we all thought," Lacy said.
"He's a physical guy. I don't get into him changing what he's doing. He's been successful in the NFL and he's going to continue to do what makes him successful," Gash said. "If that's him feeling like he needs to change,China Soccer Jerseys, that's what we would obviously talk about."
Running back coach Sam Gash will leave it up to Lacy on whether he wants to tweak his style.
"You cross that bridge when you get there. Some guys it happened to, some guys come out perfectly fine no matter how many concussions they had," he said. "You don't know what the future holds,Cheap NFL Jerseys, so I'm not worried about it."
Starting in training camp,Wholesale China Jerseys, Lacy had been wearing a new helmet designed to better safeguard against concussions.
The 2013 Offensive Rookie of the Year said he never had a concussion before suffering one against the Redskins on Sept. 15, 2013.
The bruising Green Bay Packers running back returned to practice Thursday as a full participant after getting knocked out of last week's loss to Seattle in the season opener,China Jerseys. He appears ready to assume his normal workload in Sunday's home opener against the New York Jets.
He's switching to his old helmet on Friday.
Lacy was held to 34 yards on 12 carries against the tough Seahawks defense in last week's 36-16 loss. He won the Offensive Rookie of the Year award last season after rushing for 11 touchdowns and more than 1,100 yards.
"I actually remember nothing when I got hit last year," Lacy said. "But on this one I know everything that happened on that play and the play after and all the way until today. It was nowhere near as bad as last year."

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