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發表於 2018-4-17 02:19:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"We'll have the ninth camp of this kind in the United States and the 16th in the world," he said. "There will be no financial barriers for the children because they will attend for free. There will be no medical barriers because their health care needs will be met on site. And the social barriers will be removed because they'll be surrounded by kids just like them. "If anyone needs to experience the benefits of summer camp, it is the kids who have been cheated out of their childhood because of their medical condition."
"They've been hearing, 'No you can't do this or no, you can't do that,' their whole lives," he said. "Now, they're going to hear, 'Yes, you can.'"
Long and his wife, Jackie, are hosting a sold-out fundraising event for about 350 people on Saturday night. Former Detroit Tigers manager Jim Leyland,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Oakland Raiders and former Wolverines defensive back Charles Woodson, ex-Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr are expected to attend along with Rams quarterback Sam Bradford and linebacker James Laurinaitis.
As Long and his wife await the birth of a child this summer, the timing was right for him to join a capital campaign committee to help create a summer camp for children with serious and life-threatening illnesses.
The University of Michigan has reached an agreement with North Star Reach to lease the land for $1 a year instead of selling the decaying summer camp.
Long said North Star Reach in Pinckney,NFL Jerseys China, Michigan,China NFL Jerseys, will get kids out of hospital beds and onto horses, canoes and zip-lines.
North Star Reach CEO Doug Armstrong said the nonprofit organization has raised $20 million of the $26 million-plus needed to open the camp next year,Cheap Jerseys China, giving referred children a free week of camp. A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for July.
St. Louis Rams offensive tackle Jake Long was exposed to children facing serious challenges during hospital visits at Michigan,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys.
Armstrong said a group of 12 hospitals in Michigan and one in Chicago have committed to referring children from the region and sending volunteers to provide medical care at the camp. North Star Reach is a provisional member of the SeriousFun Children's Network, which was founded by actor Paul Newman. His daughter,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, Clea Newman, is scheduled to be among the speakers at Saturday night's fundraising event.

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