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發表於 2018-4-17 02:21:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Police ranks on the East Coast of Demerara are upset over a report in this newspaper that highlighted their alleged non-response to a robbery in the Coldingen area on Sunday night.The report stated that the police took over three hours to respond to the robbery at the home of businessman Nazim Abdool  called ‘Fish Man’ ,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, despite several telephone calls by neighbours and even by this newspaper.According to the report, while the incident occurred around 19:00 hours, the police only arrived at the after 22:00 hours,NFL Jerseys Outlet, despite being no more than two miles away.Ranks at the Vigilance Police Station have indicated that the report seriously undermined the good work that they have been doing in responding to reports of criminal activity.A senior rank at the station informed Kaieteur News that the police did respond to the report around 20:00 hours but proceeded to the area where it was reported that the bandits had fled.He admitted that the ranks did not go to the scene of the crime since they were not in receipt of the exact location.“The ranks went and scoured the area but they did not get the right location,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys,” the official said. “We got a phone call that the men had committed the robbery and they were heading in the Pump Dam area. We went and tried to cut them off but we did not know where the scene was,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store,” another rank informed.In fact it was only after about 21:00 hours that this newspaper provided information on the location of the crime scene.Divisional Commander,Jerseys Wholesale, Assistant Commissioner Gavin Primo personally visited the family and assured them that he is investigating the circumstances surrounding the entire issue.He told Kaieteur News that as the divisional commander, he is concerned for the safety of citizens in the district.“I will not sit down and have ranks working under me to be lackadaisical. The public depend on the police and by virtue of the fact that they are there to serve,Wholesale Jerseys, that is what I will ensure,” he said.Assistant Commissioner Primo noted that from all indications the gang that struck on Sunday night appears to be very young men and he assured that his Division will do everything possible to bring them to justice.

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