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– mode of dress, treatment of passengers are critical aspectsThe recently formed Guyana Taxi Drivers Association has agreed to a code of ethics that will among other things, regulate what drivers would wear and how passengers are to be treated.The code of ethics is to be used as a standard for the taxi drivers across the country,Cheap Jerseys From China, a government statement said yesterday.The code was prepared by the Ministry of Tourism Industry and Commerce through the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and endorsed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.“Inherent in the code are rules and regulations ranging from what a taxi driver should wear, to how customers are expected to be treated in the execution of their duties.”Minster of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad, noted that over the years, there has been an improvement in the attitude and conduct of taxi drivers. This was especially true for taxi drivers attached to the airport and who benefitted from training.Government, Prashad said, is committed to developing standards and will be establishing mechanisms to monitor compliance and will provide incentives for quick implementation and follow through.The entire objective will be to collaborate with the association to ensure progress in the tourism sector, with the GTA committed to conducting free training sessions.Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, has also pointed out that the code of ethics was coming at a time when the country is observing Road Safety Month.Government has laid out a number of concessions including a 25% reduction in excise tax charged on vehicles, imported for registration as a yellow cab; a 10-year waiver on motor vehicle licence fee and a 10-year waiver on fitness fee for yellow cab.According to Patrick Brassington, President of the Guyana Taxi Drivers Association, the code serves as a crucial mechanism for taxi drivers to conduct themselves in a regulated manner.He urged his members to have constructive criticisms of the document, especially in light of the fact that not all the points in the code found favour with some members of the association.

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