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[本地音樂] Cheap China Jerseys …burial planned for tomorrowRelatives of Clifton Bonus









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發表於 2018-4-17 03:25:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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…burial planned for tomorrowRelatives of Clifton Bonus, whose partially decomposed body was recovered from a gully in the vicinity of the old Mackenzie Airport,Cheap NFL Jerseys, where it had been dumped after he was shot, said that they are preparing to bury him tomorrow.Bonus had been missing since last week Friday, but it was only on Sunday that relatives said that they received a phone call saying that he had been killed.Searches were subsequently conducted by both the relatives and police, with the help of an eyewitness to the killing.The eyewitness is reported to have told police that Bonus and his assailant had an argument over stolen ganja seeds last Friday. The argument escalated to the point where the man is said to have shot Bonus in the chest.The eyewitness,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who was washing dishes at the time, was threatened by the assailant to leave the area,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, sources told Kaieteur News.However, the eyewitness,Wholesale Jerseys China, on Sunday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, decided to tell police what he saw.The searches came to an abrupt end some time before 17:00 hrs, on Wednesday after Bonus’s grotesquely swollen and muddied body was discovered in a shallow grave.A close relative of the murdered man has meanwhile said, that they found it unbelievable that Bonus could have been killed for merely stealing some ganja seeds as was reported in the media. “It had to be more than that,” the relative maintained.The relatives have collectively vowed to see the suspect feel the full force of the law. However the man has been on the run ever since the incident.Karen Lashley, the slain man’s mother,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, reportedly last saw her son two Mondays ago. He was her only son, and reportedly lived with her at Silvertown, until he moved out and went to live with the mother of his child at Nottinghamshire. The mother of his child is said to be his killer’s sister.He reportedly worked with the suspect.

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