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發表於 2018-4-17 05:18:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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— Outreach venture is introduced to reach moreThe implanting of pacemakers into cardiac patients who so require the device is a common feature at the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI), a fact that many may not be aware of.A pacemaker is a medical device which is placed in the chest or abdomen of a patient to control abnormal heart rhythm.  It is designed to use electrical impulses delivered by electrodes that contract the heart muscles to regulate the beating of the heart.Its primary purpose is to maintain an adequate heart rate either because a patient’s natural pacemaker is not fast enough or there is a block in the heart’s electrical conduction system.CHI Medical Director, Dr Mahendra CarpenAccording to Medical Director of CHI, Dr Mahendra Carpen, pacemakers today,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, unlike those that were in existence decades ago, generally have a battery life of about eight years.He said that there is usually no discrimination as to who is allowed to be outfitted with the device. “We don’t discriminate based on age of patients and basically there is no single criteria, however, reality is that some patients, if you don’t expect a great quality of life improvement from planting the device,Brock Holt Jersey, there is no point in really adding that expense without the benefits associated with it,” asserted Dr Carpen.Since taking up the dual appointment of Medical Director at CHI and Consultant Cardiologist to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) eight months ago, Dr Carpen has implanted several pacemaker devices,NFL Jerseys From China, even one in an 88-year-old patient.Although he studied and worked abroad for a number of years, Dr Carpen accepted an invitation from Chief Executive Officer of CHI,Cheap Jerseys From China, Dr Gary Stephens, to take up the Medical Director appointment.  And according to him while working overseas,Sale NFL Jerseys, he undertook pacemaker implants in patients even older than he has seen here thus far. In fact he remembers “implanting a pacemaker in a 97-year-old patient in the morning and then a 103-year old in the afternoon….both of whom did very well.”This, he alluded to, in order to emphasise the feasibility of pacemaker implants even as he noted that while attending to such aged cardiac patients does not characterise a “usual day” it all depends on the condition of the patient.“The 90 odd year old patient still drives herself and she wants to still do her own supermarket shopping, she lives alone and is very independent; so if we can do that for patients elsewhere, I don’t see why our patients here are less deserving…Who am I to say no you can’t have it?”The youngest patient that Dr Carpen has seen since his appointment here was a 27-year-old male. That patient, he said, suffered a massive heart attack but it was not established what caused the cardiac crisis since the patient was neither inflicted with diabetes or high blood pressure, conditions that are known to fuel heart disease.“There was nothing we could have pinpointed…the patient wasn’t even smoking or doing anything like that…Who knows what caused it? Maybe genetics…” speculated Dr Carpen.Aside from the implanting of pacemakers, addressing cardiac cases currently sees CHI offering a range of services including regular clinic, screening, eco-cardiogram, electrocardiograms (ECG) and the implanting of defibrillators.But even as CHI works in collaboration with the GPHC to offer cardiac care, Dr Carpen is adamant that any attempt to decentralise and offer such services at a regional level, efforts must first be made to take into account the critical component of personnel.“I don’t think that we are adequately trained as yet and we don’t have the volume of people to decentralise cardiology as yet.”In light of this state of affairs, Dr Carpen and his CHI team made the bold move to take cardiac care to Berbice, an area from which a great volume of the heart cases seen at CHI originate. Dr Carpen also hails from the Ancient County.Venued at the Anamayah Memorial Hospital, clinic is held at least once per month and according to Dr Carpen close to 25 patients are seen with a five-hour period. The first such clinic was held earlier this year and the Medical Director disclosed too that similar plans are being streamlined for Linden,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, Bartica and the Essequibo Coast.

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