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[田徑] Cheap NHL Jerseys Online an electrician of 133 Nelson Street









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發表於 2018-4-17 06:14:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dwain Gibson, an electrician of 133 Nelson Street, Mocha, East Bank Demerara, and Nigel Garraway,Jerseys NFL Cheap, a University of Guyana student from Lot 33 La Parfaite Harmonie,West Bank Demerara, faced charges stemming from the October 11 uproar at Agricola.The men both aged 29 were placed before Magistrate Sueann Lovell at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on a charge of damage to property.Nigel GarrawayAccording to the charges, both Gibson and Garraway damaged a quantity of tyres valued at over $4.2 million. Gibson is also charged with damaging a Ford motorcar valued at approximately $2.7 million, property of Ray Rutherford. Both defendants denied the accusations.Their attorney, Joseph Harmon,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Jerseys, made an application for bail. The lawyer told the court that both his clients were implicated in the protest at Agricola after they were passing through the area to conduct their personal business.He explained that Garraway was proceeding along the East Bank road on his way to the University, as he was scheduled to write exams when the traffic stopped and he went to inquire what was happening. The other client, Harmon said, had been working in the community on a contract and that he can produce proof of same.The Attorney said that his clients had nothing to do with the protest actions and held that the police were on a “witch hunt” to hold persons accountable in regard to what took place at Agricola. There were no eyewitnesses who identified the two defendants as the culprits who burnt tyres and damaged other people’s property on October 11.Harmon added that the virtual complainant was not present at yesterday’s hearing. He said that his clients have no reason to flee the jurisdiction thus bail should not be denied.The prosecution made no objection to bail,Wholesale China Jerseys, but asked that it be set at a substantial sum based on the nature of the crime committed.Bail was originally set at $100,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale,000 and $175,000 respectively,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, however the lawyer appealed for a reduction of the amounts since he claimed that his clients are of meager means. The Magistrate then set bail at $75,000 for Garraway while Gibson was given bail in the amount of $150,China NFL Jerseys,000 since he is facing two charges. The matter was transferred to another court forDarwin Gibsonhearing on November 21.

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