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Cheap NFL Jerseys China Dharmic Rama Krishna Primary School Graduation









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發表於 2018-4-17 08:08:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha on Friday last signed a building contract with Kascon Engineering Service of Berbice to begin construction of its Shelter in Ankerville, Berbice.A representative of Kascon Engineering Services signs the contract with Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, President of the Guyana Dharmic Sabha.The Shelter will house 30-50 children who have been abused with their mothers having the option of being with them. Rehabilitation/counseling programmes will be carried out for both parent and child until they can be reintegrated into a safe environment.The shelter falls within the ambit of the Sabha’s programme “Voices against Child Abuse” which was launched early in 2010.Through the donation of land by the Government of Guyana, fundraising efforts of the Sabha including the holding of two mega concerts featuring superstar playback Singers Sonu Nigam and Shreya Ghoshal and donations from individuals, families, businesses and the Guyana Hindu Dharmic New York Chapter, the organization is able to begin construction of the facility.In order to complete the project,NFL Jerseys China, the Sabha will have continuous fundraising activities. The Shelter will be open to any child who needs help. The Dharmic Sabha will work closely with the Ministry of Human Services and the Child Protection Agency and offer its services to any other organization that can identify children who are in need of protection and help.The Sabha said that after a tedious and lengthy process of paperwork which caused much delay in the commencement of this project,China Jerseys, it has been given every assurance by Kascon Engineering services that the building will be completed within 10 months. The unveiling of the building design was done by World Renowned Singer Sonu Nigam and President Donald Ramotar in April,Cheap Jerseys From China, 2012 and it is anticipated that the building will be ready for use early next year.In preparation for this facility,NFL Jerseys China, the Sabha will be conducting many training programmes related to sensitizing the communities across the country about Domestic Violence and Parenting. The first Parenting session will be held in Berbice in partnership with the Mothers Union this month. The Sabha has expressed its gratitude to all those who supported it in its efforts to construct such a facility through encouraging words, financial contributions and attendance at the two concerts the Sabha held at the National Stadium.Meanwhile, some 20 years after its opening,Wholesale Jerseys China, Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra is currently undergoing major rehabilitation. The Kendra is an institution which has provided training in many areas including Pandits’ training, sanskrit and hindi, dance,NFL Jerseys China, music, singing, Indian cookery, peer education and skills training. Numerous Guyanese from around the country have benefitted from these programmes and the Kendra has been open to all who showed an interest.In addition, Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra has been a hub of activity year round as it serves as the Head Quarters of the Sabha and has been the venue for Holi Utsav, Phagwah Mela and Bazaar, Kala Utsav, Dharmic Rama Krishna Primary School Graduation, Arrival Day Activities and many other functions.The building will now have an increased capacity to train a greater number of students, commence new programmes and projects and be the venue for new initiatives of the Sabha.  Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha celebrated its 39th Anniversary on January 8th with countrywide Satsangs.

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