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Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale the contractor was supposed to excavate the road









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發表於 2018-4-17 08:09:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara, are livid over what was passed as repair works to the Coldingen Access Road.The work was completed earlier this week and according to residents, the contractor, Hemraj Garbaran, breached all design and specifications that were agreed to in his contractual arrangement with the Ministry of Public Works.According to a source at the Ministry, under the design document, the contractor was supposed to excavate the road, fill it with crusher-run and the top it off with asphalt.A section of the Coldingen Access Road two days after rehabilitation work was completed.The Ministry of Works had allocated $10M from a total of $34M for the Coldingen Access Road project.After initial objections to the type of work being initially done on the road earlier this year, Minister Robeson Benn had warned that the contractor would have to follow the road design and specifications.But the contractor apparently paid no heed to the warning or was instructed otherwise.This newspaper observed that beginning last Monday, the contractor had simply leveled off sections of the roadway and primed it with tar before completing a portion with asphalt.In fact,WBC Jerseys 2017, the road is now six inches lower than its original height and with the recent rains, it already buckling under the constant traffic.Residents have been very vigilant in their monitoring of the work being done on the road.They claimed that they have been without a proper road for more than five years and if they allow this “shoddy work” to pass, they will end up with a similar situation for another five years.“We are so happy that they are doing the road, so we have to ensure that it is done properly because is we gone have to suffer for several more years,Cheap Jerseys From China,” one resident declared.The contractor is also facing liquidated damages as a result of not completing the project in the stipulated time.Today marks one month since the deadline expired.Late last month Permanent Secretary in the Works Ministry, Balram Balraj,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, ordered that liquidated damages be imposed. He also suggested that the Ministry move against the performance bond lodged by the contractor.The contractor had claimed that the works were not completed on time because of the unavailability of asphalt.However, it turned out that he had not uplifted his supplies,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, some 85 tons of asphalt,Jerseys From China, for which he had already paid.An official from the Public Works Ministry had also indicated that the contractor could also face being barred from other contracts.“We would like to know how much is the liquidated damages, because they could spend it on some other roads in our community,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey,” another resident stated.There are also reports that the material (crusher run), which was earmarked for the Coldingen Access Road is being removed by the contractor to other locations where he is undertaking other projects for the Ministry of Works.

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