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發表於 2018-4-17 08:29:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– told police she sneaked into hotel room and videotaped her husband having sex with the womanThe woman at the centre of the rape allegation against Police Commissioner Henry Greene was fingered for blackmail, had got a medical practitioner in hot water by alleging that he had fondled her breast during a medical examination and also got a city businessman to pay her compensation over similar allegations.The woman’s close relatives also reported that a Trinidadian, in Trinidad, had cause to take possession of her passport because she had his property. The courts intervened and the woman was made to turn over the man’s property before she could get her passport.In a statement to the Sparendaam police on December 12, the woman described herself as a trained teacher who received her teacher training in Trinidad and Tobago. In subsequent statements, including the one in which she recounted what transpired with Commissioner Greene, she described herself as unemployed.The statement was ordered after the woman alleged that she had gone to Alpha Hotel at Ogle and had videotaped her husband having sex with a policeman’s wife. In her statement to the police the woman claimed that she was in Trinidad when someone called her to inform her that “(the caller) along with my husband, Michael, was (at the creek) and Michael is here with another woman.”She said that she returned to Guyana and repeatedly confronted her husband who denied the allegations.“I saw a text message in (my husband’s phone) and the message stated ‘hi babes, I am going to town alone without the family. You can come and let us go to a hotel and have sex’”. She said that when confronted her husband he told her that it was a friend named Althea from East Bank Demerara.The woman continued that she was at home with her husband and children when her husband received a phone call. She said that the man handed the phone to her and the caller informed her that if she did not leave her husband then the woman would take him “by voodoo”.“I found a large quantity of money in one of my daughter (sic) lunch kit. I then asked my husband how he got that amount of money and he told me that Shelly had sent the money for him.  I then told Michael that I do not want that money in my house.”According to the statement, soon after she began forwarding calls from her husband’s phone to hers. “I received a call on my cell phone and I overheard that my husband was planning to go at Ogle Hotel with Shelly. “The woman said that she immediately got dressed and called a taxi. This was the same woman who later told Police Commissioner Henry Greene that she did not have money to feed her children.She said that she went to Alpha Hotel. “While at Alpha Hotel I saw a car and it was my husband who came out of the car. He then went into the building.“At the time I was seated in the car and my husband went into a room on the lower flat and about two minutes he came out and went toward the front or north of a hallway.“I then came out of the car,Cheap Anaheim Ducks Hoodies, went into the building then into room 232 which was open. I then went behind a wardrobe that is situated in the same room.“My husband then came into the room and started to make several phone calls. I then overheard he was asking Shelly where she was and that he wished to have food.”Some time later she said that she heard the door open and she heard a female voice. “Subsequently, I then started to hear groaning which appeared as if persons were having sex. I then took my Samsung cellular phone and I started to video my husband and the female whom I realised was Shelly.“I then yelled to my husband and I told him what is this. Shelly then told me that she will give me two million dollars to settle the matter… I then told Shelly that for the pain you have caused me give me two million dollars and afterwards I then told Shelly do not bother with the two million dollars give me one million five hundred thousand dollars before Tuesday.”Later, the woman implicated the other woman’s husband. This time the root cause was the video she had recorded. The woman said that she had gone to an Internet café on East Bank Demerara and had paid $1,000 to transfer the video on her camera to a video disc.She said that she then contacted the woman’s husband and informed him that she had made a copy of his wife in an illicit affair.  She said that the husband asked her to let him have the disc so that he “could have a free divorce”.Some time later, after a confrontation at the Sparendaam Police Station,  “I left the police station and went onto the Sparendaam Public Road. At the time my husband, Shelly and (the other husband) was (sic) standing next to me .“I then asked (the other husband) if he would give me a drop home.”She alleged that she suffered a change of heart after a conversation with her husband then the other husband threatened her with police action. An assault accusation was later made against the man. The woman accused him of fondling her breast.“In the vicinity of Mon Repos (the other husband) then turned north through a street which led to the seawall and where some men were building boats.“(The other husband) then pulled the car at the end of the road. (He) then started to rub up my breasts with both of his hands and I told him not to do that.“(He) then told me that he have (sic) a gun and he would kill me. I then became afraid (he) continued to rub my breast and then he started  to rub my vagina”.The policeman was later placed under close arrest.The police later took possession of the cellular phone with the video recording and it is this that caused the woman, in a subsequent statement, to visit the Police Commissioner. The other allegations would follow.

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