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[中一] Cheap NFL Jerseys make up the Hinterland area









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發表於 2018-4-17 10:03:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Open dialogue between the hinterland communities, business persons and the Government, is what theAPA Executive,Laura Georgewinner of the upcoming May 11 Regional and General Elections needs to do to properly address the impact development has on these region. This is according to executive member of the Amerindian Peoples Association, Laura George.In a recent interview with this publication, she spoke of matters affecting communities with regard to the consequences of mining,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, logging and other economic projects in the hinterland region.As Election Day approaches, both the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and the A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) have released manifestos, with sections outlining their plans to enhance the lives of those in the hinterland.Of Guyana’s ten Administrative Regions, five of them (One, Seven, Eight,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, Nine and Ten) make up the Hinterland area, yet it accounts for over 76 percent of the country’s landmass.Despite economic projects by the current administration,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, the region has been described by the Opposition as being in a “depressed” state when compared to the Coastland.“People in the city and coast see development as lights, roads and new infrastructure,” said George, “and while this is part of development, these same things have different results on the lives of people in the hinterland.”Due to the region’s wealth in forestry and minerals, the Logging and Mining Industries have caught on in the area with more companies looking to invest in lands rich in these natural resources. The influx in industry, has also led to an influx in the population in the region which, George says come with negative social impacts the communities were not prepared for.“Development in this regard leads to human exploitation due to the growing population,” related George. She continued to say that this has led to increase cases of rape,Cheap Jerseys China, prostitution and trafficking in persons.“If people are not prepared for this development these negative impacts can persist,” said the APA member.Additionally, she said that developmental projects like road construction come with their own setbacks,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, since they cut through villages which were previously unprepared to manage such infrastructure. While these are necessary to the region, George said that communities should be equipped to deal with such infrastructure, rather than have it be solely in control of outside entities.Moreover, George said “They (hinterland communities) need to learn the positives and negatives such projects have on their way of life… what our communities need, is to learn that they have the right to demand what is best for them. Communities need to have some sense of autonomy and learn how to manage their own lands.”George went on to explain that communities can only learn this if the next administration, whether it is PPP/C or APNU+AFC,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, engages them in a transparent manner about their development plans for the region.She said that in developing this sense of autonomy, communities in the hinterland also need to cooperate with the relevant administrative bodies on the regional and national level.“The new administration needs to pull information from communities on what they want to see with regard to the Government’s development plans,” said George, “they also need to inform the people on their plans and ensure that they are not rushed in administering these plans.”In referencing the conflicts between settlements and mining and logging operators, George also said that the new administration should not appear to have priority for one interest, whether it is for the community or economic gain. Instead they should seek to engage all entities involved in the development of the region.George said that in her visits to these communities, she found that the inhabitants’ biggest concern were the concessions granted to miners and loggers by their respective administrations, without regard for the titled lands allocated to Amerindian settlements under law.“There is this thing about consumer land grabs by logging companies that need to be addressed… there needs to be a review of the mining activities and address the reclamation of land” said George. She further reiterated that “nobody talks with them (Amerindians) about the consequences of development… Amerindians need to be able to talk to each other and the Government.”

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