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[健身] Cheap Jerseys China that dem gun have elections soon









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發表於 2018-4-17 12:02:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dem got people does tek people joy and mek it dem sorrow. De opposition get together and form a coalition that win de elections. De last time dem enter de parliament as two separate political parties but dem had de majority.Dem boys remember how Rumjat cuss Burnham. He seh that if Burnham didn’t change de constitution de Pee Pee Pee did gone. Is that mek dem form de coalition and dem win de elections. Now Rohee sit down and hollering how de coalition falling apart. He believe that if de coalition fall apart then he party gun get back in power and de thiefing gun continue. More people gun get free Guyoil gas.He tell he supporters that dem don’t have to worry,Cheap Jerseys USA, that dem gun have elections soon,Cheap Jerseys From China, in less than three months.  That is why dem ain’t gone in Parliament. Is Donald who had to step out of de shadows and tell dem to stop this stupidness. He tell Rohee to stop dreaming and got de others dreaming wid him. Is that  mek dem send in 32 names to parliament.Well dem boys seh that de coalition strong and that who believe that it got problems hoping fuh problems. Imagine that dem spread de word that a woman call dem boys and tell dem how she hear bout de problems wid de coalition and she vex. When dem boys ask she wheh she get that from,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, she tell them is Rohee.But dem boys seh that Rohee ain’t see how he own party falling apart. De man he put fuh regional chairman in one region ain’t got no support from de people. People now seh that  next time dem voting fuh de coalition.De people picket de chairman before he even keep one meeting and dem want see who gun come from town fuh tell dem anything. In fact,China Jerseys, de very people saying that since de elections,China Jerseys NFL, not one soul ain’t even go back to cry wid dem.Dem boys seh that Granger go to Bartica and Rumjat go to Whim. Moses ain’t get time yet but he going to Essequibo soon and couple other people going to de Rupununi. De only place Jagdeo going is to de court in Berbice and even that he don’t want to do.Talk half and tell Rohee don’t fool heself.

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