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China Jerseys Miss Prabha Kiran Persaud and Vidushi Persaud









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發表於 2018-4-17 12:03:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two persons who were conned out of thousands of US dollars by persons who claimed that they were in a position to secure Canadian student visas for them have filed a law suit against Sheik Alim Samad to recover their money.The lawsuit was filed by attorneys at law Vidyanand Persaud, Miss Prabha Kiran Persaud and Vidushi Persaud, on behalf of Nadira Dulmattie Mohan and Seukumarie Nagesar, both victims of the alleged scam.Samad, along with Immigration Consultant, Balwant Persaud, had allegedly collected large sums of cash from several persons to secure the visas for them.However, the deal never materialized and the victims are still counting their loss.Police have since charged Persaud in connection with the matter, but although several persons have given statements against Samad, the police are yet to institute charges against him.To this end, the two victims have gone a step further and have filed a writ in the High Court,NFL Jerseys China, which is returnable on March 2nd.According to the writ which was served on Samad almost two weeks ago while he was giving a statement to police at the CID Headquarters, Eve Leary, the defendant at all material times held himself out to be a certified Immigration Consultant.It stated that during the year 2008,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, both Mohan and Nagesar,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the plaintiffs, engaged the services of the defendant to secure their registration in an approved school or college in Canada and to apply on their behalf for the issue of student visas to Canada.It is alleged that Samad agreed to undertake to do so in consideration of large sums of money which include the transfer to him of monies paid to another consultant (Balwant Persaud) whose services the plaintiffs had previously retained.According to the court document, Samad expressly undertook and agreed to refund to the plaintiffs all sums paid to him by or on behalf of them in the event of the student visa not being granted.With regards to Nadira Mohan, payments to the tune of US$13,750 and G$50,Wholesale Jerseys USA,000 were made to him, while in the case of Seukumarie Nagesar, Samad reportedly collected US$9,NFL Jerseys Cheap,000 and G$1,Cheap Baseball Jerseys,105,467.The defendants through their attorney are claiming in the writ that Samad failed to secure enrollment for them at an approved Canadian school and he also failed to apply for a Canadian student’s visa on their behalf.The writ added that despite repeated demands, the defendant has refused and/or neglected to refund the monies received by him as was set out in the initial agreement.The plaintiffs are claiming a full refund of the cash paid to Samad at a rate of six percent per annum from August 9, 2008 to the date of judgement and thereafter at a rate of four percent per annum until fully paid.If Samad or his attorney fail to appear to answer the writ on Monday, judgement may be given against him.

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