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Wholesale NFL Jerseys Mashramani Entertainment Tents in appropriate venues









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發表於 2018-4-17 13:55:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Mashramani 2009 was launched at the Umana Yana last evening under the theme “One Dream, One Celebration, One Design in 2009.” And if all goes according to plan, next year’s festivities will be bigger and better than before, as new features are to be introduced.A colourful,Cheap Jerseys, miniature Mashramani-style parade or “tramp” along Main Street, accompanied by portions of the reconstituted Guyana National Steel Orchestra, preceded the formal launching ceremony, which was designed to give a glimpse of next year’s festival activities and to indicate the broadening of the scope of the annual celebration.Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, in delivering the feature address, noted that the Mashramani Committee is trying to ensure that next year’s celebrations are not “dull”, but would be anchored in Guyana’s rich history.According to him, a number of new ideas to broaden the scope of the festival were suggested and sub-committees were re-established.Among the newer proposals are the possibility of a Mashramani Theme Song, Mashramani Entertainment Tents in appropriate venues, a Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Clean-Up Competition, National Art and Essay Competitions for schools,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Regional Cultural Nights, a Best City Street/Neighbourhood Competition, a possible Traditional Folk Song contest, Food Festivals,China Jerseys Cheap, Book Exhibitions and Launchings and Dramatization of Folk Rituals.The newer events mooted are all in addition to the now traditional components, such as the Costume and Float Parade, Steelband Concerts, Soca, Calypso and Chutney Competitions, widespread schools-oriented events, Illuminated Buildings and  the Ceremonial Flag Raising.  Some events will be held before and after Mashramani Week.Minister Anthony posited that Mashramani helps Guyanese to diversify, which he added will benefit the entire nation. In this vein,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he encouraged increased participation for next year’s event, especially from corporate Guyana.“Could you believe that there are organisations that have never participated in a float parade? Maybe it’s our fault,Jerseys NFL China, because we have not been stringent enough in our efforts in this regard. So we will be going out to Prime Minister Samuel Hinds unveiled next year’s ‘Mash Theme,’ which was designed by Ms Narda Mohamed.The theme was chosen from a field of more than three hundred entries from seven administrative regions.The 2009 Mashramani Management Committee members, who are drawn from a wide cross section of entities, were also introduced to the gathering.The programme included tassa drumming, masquerade performances,Wholesale Jerseys China, dances, contributions from the Adult and Junior Mashramani 2008 Calypso Monarchs, and the Chutney Queen.Public Relations Adviser Allan Fenty also reminded the audience of the historical underpinnings of the Republic celebrations.

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