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Deion Jones Falcons Jersey 2015









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發表於 2018-4-17 17:01:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With less than a month left for the General and Regional Elections to be held on May 11, 2015,Wholesale Jerseys, the Carter Centre is progressively establishing its presence in Guyana.Carter Centre officials meeting with GECOM representatives last Friday.A precursor team of medium term observers visited the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Friday last to meet with the Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally, to discuss the strategic directions of their Observer Mission.Team Leader and Assistant Director,China Jerseys Cheap, Global Development Initiative, Jason Calder, indicated that the Carter Centre may be looking to establish a core medium observer team of four persons to lead its mission,Jerseys NFL Cheap, statement from the commission said yesterday.The Carter Centre plans to have six medium term observers comprising three teams of two persons each,Cheap Jerseys From China, which can be deployed by April 22. The Carter Centre is expected to have at least 30 short term observers deployed closer to the Election Day. A total of 42 persons are expected to complete the Carter Centre’s Observer Mission.Calder also discussed a preliminary logistical plan for the three  medium term observer teams, including one team to cover Regions 2, 3, and 7; another for Regions 5 and 6 with one for Regions 1, 8, and 9.Carter Centre has been coming for elections starting back in 1992. It is headed by former US President,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, Jimmy Carter, who had led a team back then to Guyana/Surujbally expressed his satisfaction that the Carter Center is once again taken a keen interest in observing elections in Guyana.  ”Dr. Surujbally also gave a commitment to the Carter Centre representatives, that GECOM will assist the team in whatever information requirements they may need.”He also advised the Carter Centre representatives to send all plans and other training materials they intend to use, during their mission to GECOM,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, so that those materials can be assessed for accuracy and completeness.The GECOM Chairman also asked the Carter Centre to agitate for peace and serenity before, during and after the Elections, and to help explain to the public the need for calm as citizens await the final official results.“He further emphasized that GECOM will not be sacrificing accuracy for expediency when it comes to the delivery of the election results.”Representing the Carter Centre during the meeting were Calder and Pedro Teixeira, Operations Manager.GECOM was represented by its Dr. Surujbally and Public Relations Officer, Richard Francois.

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