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Cheap NFL Jerseys China Regional Chairman









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發表於 2018-4-17 19:54:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On Saturday during a simple ceremony, the Guyana Foundation which was establishedPresident and First Lady with some of the recent graduatesin 2013,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, opened its first centre the “Sunrise Centre”, at Zorg-En-Vlygt, Essequibo Coast. The occasion also saw the first batch of graduates, ranging in age from 16 to 66, who would have completed a six-month pilot phase skills training programme in catering,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, electrical installation, fabric design,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, floral arrangement.The Guyana Foundation offers other services in professional counselling and mental health support services, holistic wellness activities and Yoga.Founder of the Guyana Foundation, Mrs. Supriya Singh-Bodden, CCH, said that with the skills training programme, many persons would be able to acquire marketable skills. Mrs. Singh-Bodden explained that the Sunrise Center is part of the foundation’s ongoing efforts to provide urgently needed training, counselling and support to individuals and families in need across Guyana.Mrs. Singh-Boden further stated that a three-month pilot phase was successfully completed recently, and orders have already been secured from a leading fashion house in the Cayman Islands to purchase all pieces prepared by the fabric design course.Mrs. Singh-Bodden further stated that 80% percent of the focus of the Guyana Foundation will now be directed to this area of work.Mrs. Sandra Granger who accompanied her husband, President David Granger,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, said that she was honoured to be named a patron of the Guyana Foundation and also to be a part of the official opening of the first centre on the Essequibo Coast.Mrs. Granger noted that such a center came at the right time when Hindus are celebrating the auspicious occasion of Diwali.She said that the centre would therefore address issues of empowerment, joblessness and marketing.Mrs. Granger said that the centre is intended to bring about a strong community as well as bring balance to the lives of those graduates.The centre,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Mrs Granger explained, has already made its mark engaging in outreaches and workshops while partnering with the Suddie Public hospital to offer services in counseling.Regional Executive Officer, Rupert Hopkinson; Regional Chairman, Devenand Ramdatt,Jerseys NFL China, APNU supporters, Mr. Stanley Ming and Mrs. Doreen Duncan.

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