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發表於 2018-4-17 20:53:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force in keeping with a directive from Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, has relieved Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken from the command position of the E&F Division.The move is a direct reaction to condemnations of the shootings of protestors in Linden by the police that has left Shemroy Bouyea,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 24, Ron Somerset, 19, and Ivan Lewis, 46, dead and several persons injured.Following the fatal shooting Minister Rohee had directed Commissioner of Police (ag), Leroy Brumell to make immediate changes at the Command level of the E & F Police Division under which the town of Linden falls.Opposition political parties and others had also called for the removal of the Police Commander and ranks involved in the fatal shooting.On Friday, the Force took the first step to carry out Rohee’s directives by withdrawing Hicken from Linden, where he was directly commanding his ranks on the ground, and replacing him with Assistant Commissioner of Police Gavin Primo, who was previously heading the Force’s Administration Department.Yesterday, he was officially removed as Commander, and according to reports, is now serving as the deputy to the Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations Balram Persaud.However, since Persaud will be proceeding on annual vacation leave, Hicken will virtually be in charge of the entire Force’s operations. There have been calls for him to face criminal charges.It is not yet clear who will be performing the duties of Assistant Commissioner (Administration) in Primo’s absence, but reliable sources have indicated that Woman Assistant Commissioner Claire Jarvis will act in that capacity.This is the second time this year that Minister Rohee has directed Acting Commissioner Brumell to discipline a senior officer.Earlier this year, he had expressed no confidence in Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine in the fallout over the allocation of monies by the Force for elections duties.This was after Ramnarine had publicly accused the Minister of directly interfering in the administration of the Guyana Police Force.Although, no official disciplinary action was taken against Ramnarine, he has been banished to the almost defunct Department of Development.

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