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[IQ題] Wholesale NFL Jerseys the police searched Fraser and found a quantity of seeds









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發表於 2018-4-17 23:18:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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City Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday sentenced a father of one to three years imprisonment, after he pleaded guilty to several charges, when he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.Dunson Fraser of Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara, had two .32  rounds of ammunition in his possession on August 22, at Tamakay Backdam, Mazaruni River, when he was not the holder of a firearm licence. He also had an unlicenced .32 Taurus pistol in his possession on the day in question.In addition,jerseys cheap nfl, he had 132 grammes of marijuana in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.He pleaded guilty with explanation after the charges were read to him.Fraser, 27,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, was given a three-year jail term on the narcotic charge. He was also fined $198,000 – three times the street value of the drug.As it relates to the illegal possession of firearm and ammunition charges, he was given an 18 months prison sentence on each. These sentences will run concurrently.When given a chance to address the court, Fraser begged the Magistrate to exercise leniency when handing down judgment. He explained that on the day in question, the police came into the Backdam and saw him standing. He continued, “Is four hammocks in the camp. The police started beating me and two others. The two persons jumped out of their hammocks and left another person lying in his hammock.”Fraser explained that the police beat him and the other two persons and asked them “weh de gun deh”. He added,Cheap Jerseys, “they (the police) went and search the hammock and found the gun. They arrested me and a man, then charged us for the offence.”The man claimed that the drug was not found in his possession, but inside a hammock.However Police Prosecutor Corporal Deniro Jones’ facts contradicted Fraser’s story. Jones said that the charges were instituted against Fraser, as a result of a robbery that was carried out on Brazilian national, Reginaldo Marilho. He said that the man was robbed of a .32 Taurus Pistol and other articles on August 17,Nike NFL Jerseys China, at Oku Backdam, Cuyuni River.Jones related that on Saturday last, around 06:00hrs, the police acting on information went to Tamakay Backdam, Mazaruni River, where they found Fraser hiding out.He said that the police carried out a search of Fraser’s hammock and the firearm was found. Checks were made of the firearm’s chambers and the ammunition was found.The prosecutor pointed out that the firearm was later identified by Marilho,NFL Jerseys Cheap, as his.According to Jones, the police searched Fraser and found a quantity of seeds, leaves and stems of cannabis in his right side pants pocket. As a result, he was arrested,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, cautioned and subsequently taken to the Bartica Police Station, where the narcotic was weighed in his presence and amounted to 132 grammes.

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