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發表於 2018-4-18 06:48:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– six percent drop in serious crimes for same period last year  Fourteen people were murdered in the first month of the new year, according to statistics released by theDianne ChammanlallGuyana Police Force on serious offences for January 2016, and the corresponding period last year. In contrast, there were 13 murders in January 2015, but the Force recorded a six percent drop in serious crimes last January, compared to January 2015.Of the 14 murders last January, five were committed during robberies, three were domestic related and six were of the disorderly type.Statistics compiled by Kaieteur News showed that at least 10 of the 14 murders occurred within the first 18 days of the new year.Six occurred in Berbice ‘B’ Division; there were three in  ‘C’ Division (East Coast Demerara), while there was one each in ‘D’ Division (West Demerara/East Bank Essequibo).On January 3, 49-year-old Anita Baichan was bound, gagged and left to die in her burning house at Plantation Hope, WCB. On January 10, Doodnauth Rajkumar,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 81, and Dianne Chammanlall, 41,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, were hacked to death during a robbery at their Lot 93 ‘A’ Bush Lot, Middle Dam, West Coast Berbice property.Yesterday’s release from the Public Relations Department stated that “diligent investigations” led to persons being charged in eight of the 14 murders. This included the murders of Anita Baichan, Doodnauth Rajkumar and Dianne Chammanlall, where three youths were charged.Investigations are continuing into the others.The statistics released yesterday showed that there were 79 robbery under arms last month, and 75 inAnita BaichanJanuary 2015. But there was also a13 percent drop during this period in robberies in which firearms were used. January 2015 recorded 53 gun robberies and 46 similar robberies last month.At the end of January this year,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, police recovered six illegal firearms, including four pistols and two revolvers. This compares to a total of 3 illegal firearms that were recovered unto this time last year. But there was a 50 percent jump in robberies in which instruments other than firearms were used. The statistics showed that there were 22 robberies of this type in January 2015 and 33 similar robberies last month.Rape statistics continued a worrying trend, with an increase of four percent (26 cases) in January 2016 compared to January 2015, when there were 25 reports.Break and enter and larceny and burglary have shown an overall decrease of eight percent.In relation to domestic violence,Cheap NFL Jerseys, at the end of last January, 274 reports were made from which 176 cases resulted.The Force attributed the six percent decrease in serious crimes to the higher level of networking and activities of the Joint Services under “Operation Dragnet” which was launched on December 1, 2015,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, along with capacity building of the Police Force under the five-point strategy to deal with crime, which was outlined by President David Granger, and which has seen an increase in manpower and training in the Criminal Investigation Department and the increased deployment of ranks in the Police “F” Division, intelligence-ledXiu Di Yangpolicing and improved cooperation from the public.A SWAT team and ranks of the Major Crimes Unit of the Criminal Investigation Department have been dispatched to “B” Division (Berbice) in order to strengthen policing activities in the Division. This team was deployed following last Sunday’s brutal murder of Xiu Di Yang at No. 57 Village, who was shot by bandits last Sunday at her No. 57 Village, Corentyne restaurant.In relation to traffic, seven road fatalities from seven accidents occurred last month, in comparison to five fatalities from five accidents for the same period in 2015.The victims included four pedestrians,China Jerseys, a pedal cyclist, a driver and a pillion rider. Four of the fatalities were due to speeding.Traffic enforcement by the police has resulted in a total of 6,012 cases for this year being made against errant motorists at the end of January 2016 – of this total 2,566 cases were for speeding, 304 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 84 for using cell phones while driving and 199 for failing to wear a seatbelt.Up to last Wednesday, three more persons lost their lives from three fatal accidents.

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