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Cheap NFL Jerseys “In this case









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發表於 2018-4-18 07:38:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Bharrat Jagdeo has said that, to the best of his knowledge,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the Leader of the main opposition party has been consulted on the members of the Integrity Commission.He said that the new chairman of the Commission is now Professor James Rose,Jerseys NFL China, while Fazeel Ferouz will represent the Muslim community. Reverend Nigel Hazel will represent the Christians, and Savitree Sukhai, the East Indian populace.The President told media operatives that those were the names supplied to Corbin, and he has acknowledged their personalities but has asked for the curriculum vitae of the persons to assess their qualifications.The President said that he was hopeful that the request was not another attempt to create a fiasco,NFL Jerseys From China, but the CVs will be made available to him.He did point out, however, that,Cheap Jerseys China, “In this case,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he does not have to agree…there is a limitation to consultation.”But the People’s National Congress Reform, yesterday in a press statement, said that the Jagdeo Administration responded to the call by the party for “a forensic audit into the assets acquired by senior Government officials and corrupt business people, which bear no relationship to their incomes and earnings” by claiming that the Integrity Commission is capable of carrying out such a function.“This was no more than an attempted diversionary tactic.”According to the party, the role of the Integrity Commission is part of the institutional mechanisms for stamping out corruption by public officers, and the commission is not mandated to investigate other prominent and corrupt members in society.“The Jagdeo Administration knows this and is,China NFL Jerseys, therefore, guilty of trying to protect those who benefit, in particular, from the proceeds of the narcotics trade, organised crime and other illicit activities.”The party said that it was of the belief that the attention should be refocused “on these individuals…In the circumstances, the party reiterates its call for a forensic audit into the assets of those individuals who cannot legitimately account for them.”It added that it is no surprise that the Jagdeo Administration has done everything it could to remove the focus from “these individuals, as most of them are well known supporters of the Administration and the PPP…No one should be above the law, especially if their activities are likely to undermine and rupture the moral and social fabric of the society.”The party also emphasized that in making the call for a forensic audit, the PNCR asserts its lack of confidence in the presently constituted, weak and under-resourced Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).The FIU is clearly yet another of the paper organisations created by the Jagdeo PPP/C Administration to placate donors and provide employment for its cosseted cronies, The PNCR said.

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