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The English-language version of music journalist Anders Tengner's unauthorized biography of Swedish guitar ace Yngwie J. Malmsteen, "Såsom I Himmelen, Så Ock På Jorden" (English translation: "As Above, So Below"), will be released soon worldwide digitally.A teaser of the book can now be downloaded from Dropbox."Såsom I Himmelen, Så Ock På Jorden" was released in Sweden last October. The 350-page book is based on more than 50 interviews with people who were really close to Yngwie during his life. It gives a unique and sensitive insight into the raging life of the guitar god. It is a tribute to the biggest Swedish rock star ever,Allen Craig Cardinals Jersey, but a tribute that doesn't ignore the hard and crazy times. "Såsom I Himmelen,Bill Lee Red Sox Jersey, Så Ock På Jorden" contains 64 pictures taken by some of the world's greatest rock photographers,Buster Posey Giants Jersey, as well as unique and private photos.According to a press release, "This is probably as close as you can get to Yngwie: The loneliness, passion, betrayals, scandals, domestic abuse, drugs,Troy Tulowitzki Blue Jays Jersey, sex and, of course,Deion Sanders Giants Jersey, the music that make up his life."The book's foreword was written by legendary hard rock singer Joe Lynn Turner (RAINBOW, DEEP PURPLE), who previously played with Malmsteen.The "Såsom I Himmelen, Så Ock På Jorden" cover was created by Miso Sokcic and can be seen below. The cover photo was taken by John Livzey.Anders Tengner is described in a press release as "by far the most celebrated music journalist in Sweden. A Swedish Neil Strauss or Mick Wall, if you will. Starting as a writer at music mag Okej in the '80s, he soon got the opportunity to work with his own TV shows. If you didn't know Anders, there was no way you were gonna sell your music in Sweden. Literally every rock star stopped for an interview, a friendly chat and a photo shoot. He also contributed to Kerrang! and Burrn!, among other magazines."On the day that "Såsom I Himmelen,Elvis Andrus Rangers Jersey, Så Ock På Jorden" was released,Joey Gallo Rangers Jersey, Yngwie announced that he is working on his autobiography. Described as "the only real and true story written by Malmsteen himself,Enos Slaughter Cardinals Jersey," "Relentless: The Memoir" will be made available on May 21 via Wiley.

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