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發表於 2018-4-18 15:14:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri's House speaker is seeking signatures for a letter to Gov. Jay Nixon that slams a plan to use state money for a new St. Louis football stadium without lawmaker or voter approval.
Early estimates put the cost of the proposed stadium around $1 billion, including about $88 million in tax credits and $152 million in bonds.
"If they're only going to fund the debt that they feel is appropriate in their mind, are we going to have this conversation about every debt issue that we put out?" Keaveny said Tuesday.
"There is zero chance that the General Assembly will appropriate the funds for a new stadium,NFL Jerseys Cheap," said Republican Rep. Jay Barnes,Cheap NHL Jerseys, who filed a lawsuit on behalf of six lawmakers who want to block Nixon and the Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority from taking steps to finance a new stadium.
Nixon appointed a task force to develop a counterproposal to efforts by owner Stan Kroenke to move the team to the Los Angeles area. That's stirred controversy among some lawmakers who want a say in the matter.
Lack of support from lawmakers, who are responsible for approving how state money is spent,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, could cast doubts on the project's finances.
A letter from Republican Speaker Todd Richardson obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press says some lawmakers want the Rams to stay in St. Louis. But the letter criticized the governor's efforts to do so,holesale NFL Jerseys, saying public debate on the issue is needed.
Richardson sent the letter — addressed to Nixon,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, a Democrat,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and the leaders of a stadium task force — in an email to GOP colleagues. He asked them to look it over and respond if they were willing to add their signature.
Richardson didn't immediately respond Tuesday to requests for comment. A Nixon spokesman said he hasn't seen the letter and declined to comment.
"We will oppose any proposal that undermines the authority of the Missouri General Assembly and the will of the people," Richardson's letter reads. "We will not stand idly by as the people of this state are committed to millions of dollars in debt without proper legislative approval or a public vote."
But Senate Minority Leader Sen. Joe Keaveny, D-St. Louis, raised questions about what it would mean for lawmakers to refuse to make payments on bonding for a stadium.
Richardson is the latest of several lawmakers who have spoken against using taxpayer money for a new stadium without buy-in from voters or legislators.

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