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[本地音樂] Wholesale China Jerseys …









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發表於 2018-4-18 18:37:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says telephone operator restricted from making calls for MayorThe ongoing row between the Mayor of Georgetown and his team and the city Town Clerk and her team has led the long standing Chief Citizen to take his dilemma to the Opposition for their intervention into the “politically driven” dispute.Town Clerk Carol SoobaMayor Hamilton Green in a discussion with this newspaper said that he will be engaging the Opposition to intervene in the problems being faced at City Hall. The disclosure came minutes after the Mayor had learnt that the acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba had ordered the Council’s telephone operator not to make or receive any calls on behalf of the Council leader.In a letter to the Town Clerk,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Mayor Green pointed out that during the course of the morning (yesterday) he requested the Municipal Telephone Operator to make certain calls on his behalf. The Mayor said he observed that he was not getting the calls and he thus inquired,Jerseys NFL Cheap, only to be told by the operator that the Town Clerk had instructed that no calls would be made on behalf of the Mayor.He said in a conversation which the Town Clerk disrespectfully curtailed,Cheap Jerseys, she told the Mayor that he should have his Special Assistant and Secretary make the calls.Sooba has however charged that the Mayor has no right to instruct the switchboard operator. She said that the Mayor has a Special Assistant,NFL Jerseys China, a confidential secretary and a Clerk Two working with him and he should thus not “burden down the operator” with the calls he requested.The Mayor told Kaieteur News that he was at the time organizing a meeting for this morning with stakeholders relating to the recent and growing garbage situation. On Monday last,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, it was again a showdown with the Town Clerk and members of the Council as a motion by Mayor Green was forwarded for the restoring of waste disposal entities that were terminated by the Town Clerk.Mayor Hamilton GreenCevon’s Waste Management and its partnership company’s contracts were not renewed when the Town Clerk charged that the companies were conducting improper work. The city has been described as being in a worse state now than when the companies operated.The Town Clerk advised the Mayor and Councillors that they do not have the authority under the law to reinstate contracts of terminated workers as they see fit,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, while the Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene has cited the growing garbage matter as a growing health issue.

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