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發表於 2018-4-18 19:08:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two persons are currently in police custody assisting with investigation after gunmen made good their escape with some $9.5 M from a Bartica businessman.Reports are that the businessman,Cheap World Cup Jerseys 2018, Nezam Kassim, was attacked some time around 10:00 hours yesterday at Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo.This newspaper was told that the businessman has a regular taxi driver whom he uses to transact his business in the city. Source say that after Kassim reached Parika from Bartica early yesterday he contacted his driver to pick him up.While on their way to Georgetown Kassim reportedly requested a cup of coffee so his driver offered to stop at his Good Hope home to make Kassim the coffee.As the ‘taxi driver’ went into the house, a white car with four gunmen pulled up and demanded that Kassim hand over the money.The men after being told where the money was went to the trunk of the car where they helped themselves. The gunmen immediately fled the scene.The matter was immediately reported and acting on information police found the same car, which was used in the robbery abandoned in the Stewartville Old Road.A man who was found nearby was arrested and has since admitted that he drove the car but stated that gunmen hijacked him.When asked what he was doing in Stewartville the man told investigators that he was scared and frustrated and went into the village where his aunt lives to tell her what had happened to him. The police have since recovered one of the bags from which the money was stolen and a few documents.Up to press time police were still trying to verify the man’s story.Meanwhile up to late yesterday afternoon impact patrols from ‘A’ Division were deployed on the West Coast Demerara to assist with a massive search.Sources say that police are working on information that the men may still be in the area. Immediately after the robbery several road blocks were set up at various locations along the West Coast of Demerara as police continued in their efforts to locate the gunmen with the money.During the roadblock several minibuses and cars were stopped and searched. However up to press time no further arrests were made.Some time last year Kassim and his driver were attacked and robbed while they were transporting a large sum of cash to the city.

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