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發表於 2018-4-18 19:52:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Tina Insanally Foundation Inc. which trains Guyanese musicians to teach music is one of the institutions chosen from 25 countries that will benefit from the Cultural Centre of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB.)Well-known Guyanese musician and teacher Derry Etkins is facilitating a music teachers’ workshop that was launched by the Tina Insanally Foundation yesterday.The workshop is slated to run from August 12 to August 21 from 9am to 2pm on weekdays at its headquarters in the Guyenterprise Building, Irving and Lance Gibbs streets,China NFL Jerseys, Queenstown.The Workshop was made possible with assistance from Ministry of Culture who covered Mr. Etkins’ travelling expenses and the Cultural Centre of the Inter-American Development Bank.George Deryck Rodwell Etkins is a Guyanese musician who currently lives and teaches at St. George’s School, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.He has over 33 years’ experience in teaching music at the Primary and Secondary level,Cheap China Jerseys, preparing choirs and instrumental ensembles for various events. He has been involved in Music Curriculum development at Primary, Secondary and Post-Secondary levels. He has received several awards for his contribution to Music and Music Education in Barbados and his native Guyana.The aim of this workshop is to enable music teachers to develop and deliver a music curriculum and work plan for children.The IDB will provide finance and technical assistance to the cultural development project. The Cultural Development Programme, managed by the IDB Cultural Centre, aims to promote cultural development in Latin America and the Caribbean by co-financing projects and working hand-in-hand as project partner.The grants were awarded to innovative projects for technical training,Cheap NHL Jerseys, art,Cheap Jerseys Online, music and theatre instruction for educators,Cheap Jerseys China, artists and musicians. Taking into consideration the diversity of the cultural disciplines, the projects were evaluated for their viability, educational scope, effective use of resources,Wholesale Jerseys China, the application of the teaching of the teachers (‘TOT’) model, the ability to mobilize additional sources of financing, and long-term impact on the community.This year, the Cultural Centre received 867 project applications, from which 443 were preselected with help from the IDB Country Offices. Then, a Selection Committee awarded grants to 45 project proposals from 26 countries.

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