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Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping which was held in the form of a workshop









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By Samuel WhyteTwenty-seven (27) persons drawn from a wide cross-section of Berbice are now in a better position to start or manage their own business, compliments of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA).The participants successfully completed a two-day course on Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs (SMEs) which was organized by the (BCCDA) and was held at the Chamber’s office at 12 Chapel Street, New Amsterdam.The forum, which was held in the form of a workshop,Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was the first of its kind and catered for persons with existing small businesses, potential entrepreneurs and single parents.BCCDA President Imran Sacoor (sitting at centre) and other chamber members pose with the course’s participantsDuring the compact two-day training session which was done free of cost,  participants were taught,Cheap Jerseys China,  lectured to and guided along on topics such as -Understanding the role of small business, managing a small business (Do and don’ts),understanding the legal and compliance framework,cheap nfl jerseys online, record keeping, constructing and analysing income statement and balance sheets- calculating profitability and forecasting, access financing,jerseys nfl wholesale, previews to areas of lucrative small businesses, how to market their business, when and how to invest, how to manage their finances,NFL Jerseys China Online, diversifying and the labour practice and laws in Guyana.They also heard inspirational remarks from two successful Berbice businessmen and viewed a video on the success story and the rise of a small business.The facilitators included representatives from a number of entities.Region Six Chairman David Armogan and Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Tourism, Industry and Commerce Dhaneshwar Deonarine both spoke at the opening ceremony and  congratulated the BCCDA for the foresight and initiative in organising a workshop of that natureBCCDA president Imran Sacoor also spoke at the opening and made mention of that entity’s continued drive to develop young entrepreneurs and make an all-out effort to give back to the community. The programme he said is just one in a number of community-based initiatives that the chamber has planned for the year.A message sent by President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Clinton Urling, was also read.The successful participants will be eligible to apply for loans to start or expand their business. The BCCDA will also work along with them for six months to ensure that they are on the right track. Following that another batch will be trained.

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