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發表於 2018-4-19 02:31:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– “the most pressing and most depressing problem facing our nation today.” – JordanWith security concerns rivaling economic considerations for the government’s priority, Finance Minister Winston Jordan has announced that a whopping $21B has been allocated to the security sector to tackle the “most pressing and most depressing problem facing our nation today.”Presenting the National Budget for the protracted financial year, Jordan outlined a number of proposals that should be the catalyst for an improved Police Force, and is expected to arrest worrying crime trends that have threatened to undermine the security of the nation.This year’s figure is $1.5B more than that which was allocated for the security sector last year under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic government.Out of the $21B, a sum of $11.9 billion will support the operations of the Guyana Police Force,Cheap Jerseys, the Guyana Prison Service, Guyana Fire Service, Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU), while $9.1 billion has been budgeted for the Guyana Defence Force.These allocations, according to the Finance Minister, will be used to improve the physical infrastructure, upgrade the security fleet, acquire tools and equipment, and upgrade the security features of the machine-readable passports.With respect to the decentralization of the application and issuance of passports, a sum of $9.7 million has been budgeted for the acquisition of specialised equipment for the production of machine-readable passports.In his first budget presentation following the ascension of the coalition A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change to the government, Minister Jordan took a swipe at the previous administration, which he blamed for allowing the current crime situation to grow to the state it is in today.“The last PPP/C administration failed to arrest banditry, piracy and criminal violence, among other crimes. It is our firm belief that we need radical action to reform our criminal justice system. We need a police force that is more accountable to the public and better able to deal with crime and anti-social behaviour that is anathema to the good life,” Jordan told the National Assembly.To facilitate this, he said that the Government is fine-tuning a comprehensive Public Security Plan, in which emphasis is to be placed on combating crime; regaining trust of the Police Force and improving police investigative capabilities by rebuilding an efficient and effective criminal intelligence system and the Criminal Investigation Department.The plan also involves improving recruitment standards and training within the Force by revitalizing the Cadetship Scheme; counteracting human, drugs and arms trafficking; and acquiring vehicles and equipment for modern policing to fight banditry, piracy, terrorism and other violent crimes.The long awaited implementation of the recommendations of the Disciplined Forces Commission will finally become a reality, while the government will seek help from friendly nations and international crime-fighting agencies.According to the Finance Minister, under the Citizens Security Programme, the Government will commence the implementation of several activities to support the Security Sector.One key aspect of this programme involves implementing evidence-based interventions associated with interpersonal violence, such as parenting, gender values and norms and conflict resolution.“ Training of selected community members to support economic inclusion, through vocational and remedial training; literacy programmes;  job readiness; job seeking and job placement actions; entrepreneurship; mentoring; counselling and psychological skills training will aid communities in identifying  community problems and developing  bottom-up solutions to crime and violence,” Jordan explained.He announced that support will also target strengthening the Guyana Police Force’s Crime Prevention and Investigative capabilities through forensic and criminal investigative techniques and training, and through the application of information technology methodologies in crime detection and inter-agency co-ordination.A command centre will also be established to enhance crime response capabilities, a shortfall that has been the focus of the new administration.Several weeks ago, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan had taken the initiative to reallocate vehicles that were earmarked for the Community Policing sector, to the regular Police Force to address this shortfall.Other interventions include resuscitation of CCTV feeds within the Georgetown to Timehri environs and improvement in 911 services countrywide.

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