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NFL Jerseys China









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發表於 2018-4-19 04:25:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With both teams near their bench areas, Corrente reviewed the play and overturned the interception because the ball hit the ground before Breeland got to it.
"Nick's a tough guy. He's our leader,China Jerseys Cheap, and that showed how tough Nick is," said rookie receiver Jordan Matthews.
"I thought (Breeland) was down, so that's why I wasn't looking for anyone," Foles said. "The next thing I know, I'm just obliterated."
While Bashaud Breeland was returning the INT that later was overturned on video review, Baker blindsided Foles, putting his shoulder into the quarterback's chest. Foles was down on the ground for a few minutes as players from both teams pushed and shoved each other along the Washington sideline with 9:55 remaining and the game tied 27-27.

Peters' ejection came after he threw a punch at Baker.
Baker and Eagles left tackle Jason Peters were ejected.
"The whistle had not been blown. He was going towards the ball; the ball carrier was still running,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and he could make a tackle. I didn't even really hit him hard. I just hit him with my shoulder and he happened to fall. He's a quarterback,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, so I guess that was the reason for the ejection."
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A brawl broke out after Washington's Chris Baker laid out Philadelphia quarterback Nick Foles on an apparent interception in the fourth quarter Sunday.
Added running back LeSean McCoy: "If you see your quarterback get hit in a dirty way — it was obviously dirty — that kind of charged us up a bit."
Foles then praised his teammates for "having my back in that situation when a guy does a dirty play." The quarterback said he was hit in the ribs.
The Eagles went on to win 37-34,Wholesale NFL Jerseys.
Foles finally was helped to his sideline — he did not miss a play — as referee Tony Corrente ordered both teams to their benches,Cheap Jerseys Free.
"I saw our guy had an interception, and I went to do what we are taught to do, and that's to go get a block," Baker said. "I didn't look to see if it was a quarterback or not. All I saw was someone going to pursue the ball, and I got my head in front, and I leveled my shoulder, which is a legal football hit, what I've been taught to do.
Baker claimed he did nothing wrong,Discount NFL Jerseys, while the Eagles called it a "cheap shot."
The game already had gotten nasty with a slew of penalties and injuries. Washington had 10 penalties for 131 yards, Philadelphia nine for 70.
"That wasn't scripted or planned. The guy just cheap-shotted Nick Foles and I reacted," Peters said. "I shouldn't have done what I did, but I was just trying to protect by quarterback."

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