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發表於 2018-4-19 05:39:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Digicel Guyana on Monday launched D’ Free Zone Combo,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, a new promotion which gives customers a chance to get free weekend credit, talk and text.Digicel Head of Marketing, Jacqueline James, said D’ Free Zone is a combination of value for dollar offers as part of her company’s ongoing aim to deliver innovative products and services to customers.“We believe that D’ Free Zone is unlike any other promotion that has hit Guyana…our customers are now free to talk and text because Digicel has them covered.”Digicel models enjoy D’ Free ZoneIn D’ Free Zone Combo, customers will get to talk to their friends and family on the Digicel network absolutely free on weekends when they top up with $1500 or more from Monday to Friday. Free weekend is from 6.00hrs to 18.00hrs on Saturdays and Sundays. Meanwhile, customers will also get up to $500 double bubble on the first two top up of the month.“Free Text” and “Free After Three” are also part of this appealing combo. In free after three, customers will pay for the first three minutes of talk and get the next 15 minutes on the same call free.After sending the first three text messages, customers will be able to send 25 more text messages at no charge. Free After Three and Free Text are only applicable  to Digicel calls and texts.Persons were greeted by the sight of Digicel models showcasing the various offers on placards at popular junctions across the country early Monday morning. At some locations, the models relaxed in pools while some relaxed in easy chairs under huge Digicel umbrellas.Customers also got a taste of D’ Free Zone as Digicel surprised persons at a number of fast food restaurants where the Digicel Free Zone Squad refunded persons who purchased their meals between a certain period. These locations included, but were not limited to, Church’s Georgetown, Linden and Berbice, German’s, Royal Castle, City Mall Food Court, Barrow’s Linden, Chester Fries Berbice. Meanwhile, speed boat passengers travelling to Parika and to Georgetown also received boat fares from Digicel.“This is our way of rewarding customers who choose to use our network and we will continue to offer fantastic deals to our loyal customers,” James concluded.

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