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Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China A woman









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發表於 2018-4-19 08:41:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A woman, who claimed that she witnessed the drowning of 14-year-old Charles Anthony Pross,Bobby Doerr Jersey, at Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo, two Sundays ago, is refuting the story that is being narrated by the teen’s mother.Pross, of Lot 676 La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara (WBD) died around 16:30 hrs.According to reports, the teenager and his relatives had gone on a family outing at a resort in Bushy Park,Cheap Jerseys, Parika when he was spotted in the water. He eventually succumbed at the Leonora Cottage Hospital.His mother, Shellon Henry, claimed that when her son’s body was pulled from the trench, his feet were tied together with twine.Also, the mother stated that she believes that “strange happening” was responsible for her son’s death. She alleged that the teenager was sacrificed.However, the eyewitness said that she and her relatives were at the resort when Pross drowned.While his mother claimed that the teenager was nowhere near the water, the eyewitness said that the teen was swimming with some other children and the adults were consuming what looked like alcoholic beverages under a benab.“He was swimming but like he plunged and hit his head on a rock and fell into the water and the current was heavy and pushed him further into the ocean,Cheap Jerseys From China,” the eyewitness claimed.She alleged that while she did not see when Pross hit his head, when it happened, his smaller sibling ran and informed his relatives but they did not pay much attention to what the child was saying.“They knew he could swim so they didn’t pay attention to what the little boy was saying. It was a lady who come and say that a boy drowned. But when we run to see, we didn’t see anything so we thought it was a prank,” the woman said.She further claimed that after a while,Alexis Sanchez Arsenal Jersey UK, when Pross’ relatives realized that he was missing,NFL Jerseys Outlet, they began searching for him.“There were two men standing on a rock catching fish and when they threw their rods, it hooked on the boy’s pants and when they pulled, it was the boy,” the woman stated.She claimed that the teen’s feet were not tied but instead, the twine from the fishing rod was hanging from his pants.According to the woman, people at the resort did their best to save the child. She said that based on what she witnessed there was no foul play in his death, that it was simply a drowning case.“His mother said that they were the only ones who paid for the benab and to use the washroom but everyone had to pay, including us. It is a resort and that is how the people make their money,Nike NFL Jerseys China,” the woman claimed.A Port Mortem into the teen’s death revealed that he died by drowning.

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