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發表於 2018-4-19 09:02:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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"We built a really strong bond," DeVito said.
It was the kind of athletic play that landed Johnson in the Pro Bowl three straight years, a streak that likely ended only because of his injury last season.
"I felt last year, being out there without D.J., I kind of had to carry a load," fellow linebacker Josh Mauga said. "With him back this year, healthy and ready to go, it's nice how we both can carry the load together, and then use his experience being in the league for as long as he has been. I can feed off of him, feed off of his energy and pick his brain."
Perhaps nobody can offer a better prediction than DeVito. He sustained a similar injury — a torn Achilles tendon — at almost the exact same spot on the field, just a handful of plays after Johnson went down. The silver lining to it was the two could rehab their injuries together,Wholesale Jerseys China, each pushing the other when things were at their most dire.
Later, Johnson was diagnosed with a torn Achilles tendon, ending his season before he even reached halftime of the opener. He was just 15 tackles away from passing Art Still and Gary Spani and becoming the franchise's career tackles leader with an even 1,000.
"I didn't know for sure until later,Cheap NFL Jerseys China," he said.
"D.J. is going to have an excellent year," Chiefs defensive tackle Mike DeVito said. "You just see him in practice and see him playing, and he's playing at such a high level."
Nearly a full year later, Johnson is preparing to step back into Arrowhead Stadium. He made his return to games in the Chiefs' preseason opener at Arizona last weekend, but he acknowledged this week that playing at home Friday night against Seattle will feel a bit different.
"For me being out for a year, preseason is very important to me," he said. "These preseason games are not as beneficial for older guys — not as much. But for me, I need these games before the first game of the season."

Still, none of the exercises in the weight room, or the miles he ran on the practice fields, or the massage and recovery and other rehab could get him ready for games. Johnson said the speed is different, and the way the game looks on the field is different from the sidelines. Only by getting back in the action was he able to finish off his return.
The Chiefs missed both of them last season, but especially Johnson, who is so instrumental in stopping the run. Opponents routinely gouged the Kansas City defense on the ground the rest of the season, even though the Chiefs' pass defense was among the league's best.
Indeed, one of the big benefits of having Johnson back on the field is his experience. The Chiefs have several young linebackers, including rookie Ramik Wilson, and Johnson has been able to help tutor them during the sweltering days of training camp.
The 32-year-old Johnson said he never considered retirement,jerseys nfl wholesale, even when he was laying on that turf so long ago. He was ready to confront the daunting challenge of rehab, even a year of it.
"Being away from the game for a whole year, I've never done that before," he said. "Since I was 9 years old, I've always been in the football season."
"You got to train your eyes back," he said. "I'm training my eyes to make plays out there, as far as anticipating different things that I have to do. Football is a very hard sport. If you don't train your eyes,Alexander Mogilny Jersey, be spot-on with everything, you're going to be slow out there."
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The last time Derrick Johnson set foot in Arrowhead Stadium, he crumpled to the turf without anybody around him. As he stared up at the sky, his foot numb, the Chiefs' star linebacker had a sinking suspicion what was wrong.
Johnson certainly doesn't look slow,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, ranging sideline to sideline to make plays throughout camp. Just about the only thing he's done wrong has been dropping an easy interception,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but he quickly made amends when backup quarterback Chase Daniel threw him another one. Johnson not only caught it, but sprinted the other way for a touchdown.
But as much as he enjoys playing teacher, Johnson is a football player first and foremost. He belongs back on the field.

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