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[田徑] Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Leonard Arokium









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發表於 2018-4-19 09:59:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It has been one year now since the Lindo Creek massacre, and the police are nowhere close to making any arrests or instituting any charges. Police Commissioner Henry Greene told members of the media yesterday that the DNA tests are still to be done on the remains that were sent to Jamaica one year ago.“We are waiting on the Jamaicans to help out, but they too have their own issues to deal with… It takes time to do it as well… given the conditions of the bodies,” Greene said. He however does not believe that it is time that the police force seeks another avenue in solving the crime.The truth is that the force will have no other choice but to rely on the Jamaicans.Nevertheless, Greene said that he is confident that they will get responses from the Jamaican authorities.On June 21, 2008 owner of the camp,Jerseys Wholesale, Leonard Arokium, discovered the burnt bones and skulls of his workers, including his son,Cheap China Jerseys, at Lindo Creek.Those who were killed at the site were Dax Arokium, Cedric Arokium,Cheap Jerseys, Compton Speirs, Horace Drakes, Clifton Wong, Lancelot Lee, Bonny Harry and Nigel Torres.He had reportedly received information that the men were killed the previous week.According to him he had received a phone call from a woman who told him that some “soldiers” had shot and killed his men and burnt their bodies. Later, he said,Cheap Jerseys Store, he received a second phone call from a private number. This time,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, Arokium explained,Cheap Jerseys, it was a man calling and telling him the same thing.The Joint Services have denied the claims made by the dredge owner that soldiers committed the brutal crime.Police had blamed the attack on Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins and his gang whom they said they had encountered during a confrontation at Christmas Falls on June 6h, 2008.They said that one of the gunmen was killed while six others managed to escape.Shortly after this, another group of gunmen hijacked a busload of passengers on the Aroaima trail and disappeared. Police killed two gunmen subsequently at Goat Farm, located some 90 miles from Christmas Falls and arrested a teenager at Ituni.The teen was subsequently charged with the February 17, killings at Bartica. It is not clear whether the men who were killed – Julius Chung and Cecil Ramcharran—were among the hijackers.

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