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Wholesale NBA Jerseys China along with some others









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發表於 2018-4-19 13:56:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The continuing dispute over the ownership and operation of over 880 acres of land at Plantation East Lotion, Mays Burg and Borlam at (No19) on the East Coast Berbice turned ugly yesterday when gunshots were fired.According to reports, an overseas based Guyanese was greeted with gunshots when he and another relative went to the location to serve a court order on the persons with whom they have a dispute over the land.Documents seen by this newspaper show that the parcel of lands upon which is located a number of fish ponds is owned by Businessman Orwin Abdulla of Courtland,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Corentyne Berbice.Overseas based Edwin Abdulla who came under fire yesterday.Abdulla had entered into a five year lease agreement with two parties- one Noreen Gaskin of Bel Air Gardens and Glen Seuberran of Fort Ordnance,Wholesale Jerseys, East Canje with some conditions attached.However during that period some disagreement developed and Abdulla decided to withdraw the lease.This did not go down well with the other parties and the matter went to court. In the interim,World Baseball Classic Jerseys Outlet, the other parties had built a structure on the land and had hired armed guards to secure the premises.Abdulla was granted an injunction in the High Court in Berbice during September 2014, which gave him and his servants the right to enter the land. The injunction also restrained the other party from committing any act of waste and or destroying or damaging the plantation or the fish ponds.Yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys, between 12:15pm and 12:30pmAbdulla and a number of persons including his brother Edwin Abdulla a Re-migrant Guyanese decided to enter the premises.According to Edwin Abdulla,NFL Jerseys China, despite the court order they were repeatedly being debarred from entering the premises.The man stated that the main intention on Sunday was to serve the injunction and to take persons there to catch some fish and spend the day.Abdulla stated that to their surprise upon arrival at the premises, the entrance was blocked by two vehicles.However, he, along with some others, including his brother decided to enter the premises.  To their horror as they journeyed towards one of the main structures that was constructed on the property,Jae Crowder Jersey, gun shots rang out.Some of the persons ran for their lives. Abdulla however along with his wife Nafeeza Khan and a few others decided to proceed.He said that he was soon staring down the barrel of a shotgun.  As he handed over the injunction, the ‘gun man’ threatened to shoot. He decided to challenge the man to shoot him.  He told the man “you can shoot me if you want, I will die a hero.”The man eventually read the document and put away the gun as a number of followers poured into the premises. One of the security guards was reportedly injured and had to seek medical attention.The police were subsequently informed and quickly descended on the scene and arrested a few persons.One man remained in custody up to last evening.

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