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Authentic Jerseys Cheap the child was brought into the A&amp









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發表於 2018-4-19 13:58:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The distraught parents of six month old, Shequeena Peters, are blaming the doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital for their child’s death.According to Karen Jacob and Floyd Peters,NFL Jerseys From China, their daughter who was born prematurely,Chile Jersey, would have been alive had it not been for the negligence of the doctors who work at the medical institution.Jacob said that her daughter was suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea. The woman explained that she initially took the child to the East La Penitence Health Centre,Cheap NFL Jerseys, on Tuesday morning. “We took her to the health centre and they gave her the ORS and sent us back home,Wholesale Jerseys,” the woman said. She added that she was giving the child “Pedi-Light” to help rehydrate her. On Wednesday night the woman said that her husband came home and saw that the child was looking “dazed”.Peters said that he immediately told his wife that they should carry the child to the Georgetown Public Hospital.The couple spent almost two hours waiting for one of the doctors in the Accident and Emergency Unit to examine the child. Eventually, the child was brought into the A&E of the hospital,NHL Jerseys From China, and the doctor told the parents that the child was suffering from a cold.The woman noted that she even told the doctor that her daughter was vomiting and was suffering from diarrhoea. According to the mother, the child was also having difficulty breathing.The woman said that the doctor only gave the child some saline drops through her nose. She said that one nurse queried why the doctor gave the child the nasal drops when the child was suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea.Jacob further stated that the doctor also sent them to get an x-ray and prescribed some Amoxilin solution and then discharged the baby.The doctor gave the parents all assurance that the child would be fine but the child succumbed.The mother said that she was alerted by a cousin who shouted that the child looked dead. “My cousin called me. I was downstairs. She was telling me that Shequeena looked like she dead. I tell her don’t mek joke and when I run upstairs I jus see she sprawled on the bed,” the distraught mother said.The child was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was immediately examined by several doctors, help that came a little too late. She was pronounced dead on arrival.The Georgetown Public Hospital, in a statement,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey UK, said that the child was brought to the hospital complaining of respiratory problems.The release said that the child was screened and treated for a respiratory tract infection. The doctor ordered that an x-ray be done, but no abnormalities were found. The release stated that the child was given the appropriate treatment and sent home.The hospital said that it could not give further details, because they are awaiting the results of a post mortem report. (Latoya Giles)

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