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發表於 2018-4-19 18:03:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two months before early general elections to choose a new government, the incumbent People’s ProgressiveOut of it? – Dr. Leslie RamsammyParty/Civic (PPP/C) may well have to do without one of its most seasoned campaigners…Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.The Minister of Agriculture, said to be in his late 60’s, is ailing and currently receiving treatment overseas which will ultimately determine whether he continues in the political arena.Responding to questions from Kaieteur News yesterday during his post-Cabinet press briefing, Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey, confirmed that Ramsammy has been on leave for over three weeks now.A former Health Minister, Ramsammy informed Office of the President that he is ill and is headed to the US because of heart problems.Ramsammy has for years now been suffering from cardiac difficulties and was forced to conduct a triple bypass surgery.While Ramsammy has not informed the Government that he is quitting, it would appear that the PPP/C has concluded that the existing health situation will have an impact on his return to full duties.As Minister of Agriculture, Ramsammy has responsibilities for the all-important rice and sugar sectors; the latter is facing severe problems amidst falling production and price on the world market.Dr. Luncheon admitted that there are rumors circulating of the Minister quitting because of health problems.Following the 2011 elections, President Donald Ramotar surprisingly named Ramsammy as his new Agriculture Minister, replacing Robert Persaud, who was made Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, an entirely new ministry.He first entered the political contest in 1992 as the Presidential Candidate for the United Republican Party (URP). He later joined the PPP/C Civic in 1997.During his tenure first as the Health Minister and then in the Agriculture Ministry, Ramsammy was dogged by reports of him transacting the purchase of a cell phone intercepting “spy laptop” for use by US-convicted drug lord, Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan.Ramsammy also headed the Health Ministry at a time when New GPC, a company that has close relations with former President Bharrat Jagdeo, started to receive billions of dollars in pharmaceutical contracts under questionable circumstances.

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