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[原創音樂] NFL Jerseys Authentic China









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發表於 2018-4-20 00:27:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Teammate Cecil Shorts III added that the Texans expected the skirmishes and were prepared for it.
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The joint portion of the final practice involving the Washington Redskins and Houston Texans came to an end Saturday when a series of fights broke out.

Gruden's team worked for three days against the New England Patriots last year, spending the last day in shorts before meeting the Patriots in their preseason opener. The coach, in his second season,Jerseys Cheap NFL, said expecting teams to battle for three days in full pads might be asking too much.
"It just happens,Wholesale Jerseys China," he said. "When two teams have been practicing for a while against each other, tempers flare. ... We kind of figured something was going to happen and we prepared for it. We did a good job staying together. Nobody got hurt. It's over with. Let's move on."
O'Brien said the Texans benefited from "two and a half" of their three days practicing against the Redskins. And both coaches agreed that joint workouts hold great value in helping to prepare a team for the start of the season.
The change in plans caused Redskins coach Jay Gruden to agree the day was somewhat wasted.
The teams had just started working against each other when the first skirmish occurred. When more followed on subsequent plays, and on both fields, the coaches decided to break the teams apart and each team worked on its own field for the rest of the session.
"Other than having to separate today, we still got work done," O'Brien said. "But the two days that we were together there, we got a lot of situational work. It was good to work against them. Being in the hotel as a team, there's some bonding that goes on there, too."
The fights came early in the joint portion of the workouts as a heavy rain fell.
Redskins defensive lineman Chris Baker said one of the fights started when a Houston offensive lineman tried to "clean him off the pocket." Baker says when he removed his helmet and confronted the player, the player hit him with a right hook and a brawl ensued.
"Initially we had a couple on our field on the offensive field,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, and I was just going to cut that period out and have everybody go to the side, let everybody cool down and finish practice," Gruden said, "but then the other one broke out on the other field and it wasn't worth it. Injuries take place.
"Obviously, it wasn't a good situation,NBA Jerseys China, but we missed an opportunity to get better today against a good team."
"I guess we kicked their butt yesterday so they came out here trying to be tough guys today," Baker said,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, "but it really didn't work. They had a rough day yesterday so they wanted to try to set the tone, but that's not going to happen here."
Baker says the Texans were angry because the Redskins got the best of them in their joint workout on Friday.
Texans linebacker Whitney Mercilus agreed that his team struggled on Friday, but chalked the fights up to "Just a whole lot of intensity on both sides of the ball."
Gruden and Texans coach Bill O'Brien initially tried to let their teams know the fighting wasn't acceptable,China Jerseys Cheap, but Gruden added: "Unfortunately, it wasn't two people. It was a group of men" and "For whatever reason, it escalated into a nasty brawl."

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