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Cheap MLB Jerseys China Halim Khan









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發表於 2018-4-20 02:55:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President and Founder of Guyana Solidarity movement with Cuba,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Halim Khan, joined calls with the International Committees for the release of the Five Cuban Anti-terrorist fighters convicted in the United States.September 12, will mark the 15th anniversary of the detention of Gerardo Hernandez,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, Ramon Labañino Salazar,Cheap Stitched MLB Jerseys, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez Llort, and Rene Gonzalez Schewerert.The Five Cuban Anti-terrorist FightersIt is expected that “not only in the United States but also throughout the world, people carry yellow ribbons in marches, sit-ins, events, and vigils in front of the White House and the Washington embassies in those countries, as the families of the Five and all the Cuban people will use. They are waiting for the return of their children to homeland,” the Committee said in a statement Friday last.“There has been 15 years of unjust imprisonment,NBA Jerseys China, 15 years of revenge for the crime of being honorable and defend the right to life of their people, 15 years that are a disgrace for the most basic principle of justice, 15 years of perverse manipulation, of violations to them and their families,” the text stated.“And despite that, the Five, as they are worldwide known, bear no hatred, or bitterness,Authentic Jerseys From China, and all we ask is to give the truth to the U.S. people,” Khan noted.In a speech released this week through the Cuban television, Rene Gonzalez, requested that the country be full of yellow ribbons on September 12 “and any visitor or foreign correspondent who is in the island cannot ignore it” and cannot stop reporting that the people of the island await four of their children who still remain in U.S. prisons.The yellow ribbon is a symbol for the American people, based on a legendary love song, whose story has been adapted, but has endured for over a century.The Five were detained while monitoring from the city of Miami the movements and activities by violent groups and individuals engaged in planning terrorist acts against Cuba, as those that have left more than 5,000 deaths and people with disabilities for more than 50 years.This case is a political case and the Cuban Five are political prisoners. Their freedom will depend not only on the arduous work of the defence team but just as importantly, on the public support that can be organized.Over 350 committees have been established in the United States and around the world,NFL Jerseys Supply, demanding immediate freedom for Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando and René.

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