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發表於 2018-4-20 03:17:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Even as it awaits new landfill siteThe western entrance of the current dumpsiteThere is an earnest need for the integrity of the Le Repentir dumpsite to be secured in order to sustain its viability in the wake of the prolonged delay of the construction of the new dump site at Haags Bosch, an area aback of Eccles on the East Bank of Demerara.This observation was made by City Mayor Hamilton Green during an interview with this newspaper yesterday.And in order to address this situation, the City Mayor said that the municipality has already outlined a number of proposals geared at carrying out some works on the current dumpsite.The proposals, according to him, have been communicated to Central Government for approval, and financial assistance would be required before any works can be engaged.The Mayor disclosed that in excess of $30M is spent monthly by the Council to collect and store garbage at the dumpsite, which has long outlived its intended lifespan.He had disclosed that the use of the current facility as a dumpsite was never intended to surpass a period of two years, a situation which has now led to the ongoing “landfill contortion” that is being faced by the city municipality.Mayor Green explained that the site represents the main dumpsite, which is tasked with accommodating a large quantity of waste which amounts to more than 260 tonnes of garbage that originate within and without of the city.And according to him, the maintenance of the site as a result has become a major strain on the municipality, since it has not been allowed to expand its revenue base.Mayor Green has on numerous occasions repeated how crucial it is for the municipality to boost its revenue base to be able to fulfil its mandate to the city, which includes ensuring the dumpsite is maintained to an extent that it does not affect the actual health of citizens.The mayor said that the Council should not have been faced with the constant problem which arises at the dumpsite since it should have been relocated to Haags Bosch some time ago.But according to Green, circumstances did not permit the halt to the operations at the dumpsite which as a result caused Government to engage negotiations with the Inter-American Development Bank for a new landfill facility at a cost of US$18M.He said that it was initially anticipated that the landfill site would have been located in Georgetown, but noted that the powers that be felt that the city should not be identified for further disposable of garbage.According to Mayor Green, there were initial bureaucratic delays occasioned by the normal bureaucracies such as agencies of the government, international agencies and even the municipality.He said that it was further worsened by an objection by a number of citizens in the Eccles community who initially objected to the very idea of garbage passing through their community.Mayor Green disclosed that a series of consultations ensued which subsequently resulted in the site (Haags Bosch) being confirmed for the relocation.But according to the Mayor, as far as he is aware work has since commenced on the landfill site. He speculated though that the current rainy weather may have had some implications on the project, adding that he has not been in contact with the contractor or has been updated otherwise on its progress.This newspaper understands that the Steering Committee charged with overseeing the project,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, and which is chaired by Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall, is expected to be convened today.In the meantime though, Mayor Green expressed optimism that good sense would prevail and Central Government will respond in favour of the municipality’s detailed proposals to help improve the current site.Recently, Deputy Mayor Robert Williams said that the municipality was forced to add five acres of cemetery land to the dump site in order to expand the capacity of the garbage dumping facility.According to Williams, the move had become inevitable since it had become evident that the substantial volume of waste dumped there was overwhelming the site, a situation which could have been further compounded by the increased waste generated during the Christmas season.The Deputy Mayor said that it is the anticipation of the municipality that the additional space would be sufficient for waste deposits until the closure of the site.But according to Williams, based on the numerous delays which have materialised since the approval of the IDB loan, the municipality may not be able to even utilise the site immediately, even if it is completed by next year.

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