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發表於 2018-4-20 04:45:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh yesterday remanded Krishendatt Jetto, 42, of Lot 26 Grant, 2757, Crabwood Creek; Matthew Ganga Persaud, aka Abel, 24, Hire Car Driver of #77 Housing Scheme; and Satram Kushley, 21, a Cane Harvester of 470 Port Mourant,Cheap Jerseys From China, Corentyne Berbice.The men had appeared at the Springlands Magistrate’s Court.According to the police, the accused on September 6,Wholesale Jerseys Online, 2015,Wholesale Jerseys China, armed with a gun, robbed Tejkumarie Jettoo, of Lot 26 Grant, 2757, Crabwood Creek of a quantity of gold jewellery valued at $790,Cheap Jerseys Store,000; a quantity of diamond jewellery valued at $590,000, US$19,000,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and $1 Million in local currency. The accused was represented by Attorney-at-Law Krishendatt Persaud.In his application for bail he asked for reasonable bail in keeping with whatever the court finds substantial. Bail was refused after Prosecutor Inspector, Godfrey Playter,Cheap China Jerseys, objected. Prosecutor Playter stated that a gun was used to allegedly carry out the robbery. He added that the woman,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, Tejkumarie Jettoo, was severely beaten.He was of the firm belief that it is the likelihood that if bail should be granted the accused might not return to trial, bearing in mind that two of the accused are not living within the Jurisdiction.Attorney-at-Law Persaud said that they were not flight risks and that they are all fathers. Jettoo was also faced with the second charge of Conspiracy to Commit a Felony. Bail was also refused on this charge.Wife of the accused, Tejkumarie Jettoo, was present in court. She sought to resolve the matter and offer forgiveness to her husband; however the Magistrate refused to hear her concerns.The men were remanded to prison and are to return to court on September 28, 2015.On September 6, last, it was alleged that five armed men invaded the home of Krishendatt Jettoo and his wife through a window in the lower flat of their home. It was also reported that the men tied up the Jettoos while holding them at gunpoint.Jettoo and his wife were beaten during the ordeal and the men escaped with the cash and jewellery. But in an unexpected twist of events, the husband was arrested along with the two accomplices two days after the alleged robbery after police found inconsistencies.The police discovered that Jettoo hired the bandits to beat him and his wife in an effort to keep his wife from leaving the already broken marriage.The businessman had claimed that they were tied up by the bandits who escaped in a white Toyota Carina 212 motor car.But when police managed to locate the driver of the getaway car, the whole scheme unraveled.The driver told investigators that Jettoo contacted him on the previous Friday with the smart idea; the businessman wanted him to break into his house and terrorize his wife.

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