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Cheap NFL Jerseys she continued









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發表於 2018-4-20 08:41:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years after the murder of taxi driver Roopchand Darshan, his family has said that the police have been dragging their feet in finding his killer.Darshan, of Enmore, was shot and killed in March 2014. The 24-year-old was found slumped over the steering wheel of his car at the Strathspey Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara.Despite the recent breakthroughs in unsolved murder cases,Cheap NFL Jerseys, family members of Roopchan Darshan are saying they have never been contacted by the police on any information in the case.Although many efforts have been made to inquire into the matter in the past,Stitched Jerseys, Darshan’s mother still anxiously awaits her answer.  “It is stressful; nothing up to now…nothing,” she said.Police had previously believed that the man was a victim of a carjacking but nothing was taken from his car. His money and cell phone were handed over to his family.The police were also informed that Darshan was involved in an argument with a man a few days before he was killed. The man had apparently lashed him across the head and told him he was not finished with him.Mrs. Latchmie Darshan told Kaieteur News yesterday that even though her son was killed two years ago it is still a fresh wound in her life. “It has been two years now and I’m still hurting…” Sobbing, she continued, “And the police ain’t calling and we ain’t hearing nothing about what really happen to our son.”She said that the incident had taken a toll on her emotionally and physically. She said she recently had undergone surgery and was told not to stress herself. “I can’t take it on but I can’t forget it,Cheap Jerseys From China,” she added,Wholesale Jerseys China, breaking down in tears.Darshan was her only son,Cheap Jerseys Store, and the youngest of her children. Kaieteur News was told that the young man had bought the vehicle a short while before he was killed.Darshan was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to the head around 10.50 pm on March 29. He was reportedly shot from behind.A taxi driver, who asked not to be named, told this publication that he was traversing the neighbourhood during that time and he had seen the young man working late. He noted that he had seen two young men exiting a minibus and soliciting Darshan to drop them into the Enmore New Scheme.The man indicated that another taxi driver had told them that he had seen Darshan driving out of the scheme a while after he picked up the two men but he could not say if anyone else was in the car because the scheme did not have street lights.Several efforts were made to contact ‘C’ Division,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Commander,  Marlon Chapman, but he could not be reached to give any comment.

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