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Brian Poole Falcons Jersey Proctor stated









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發表於 2018-4-20 08:44:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation says that a loss of life at the institution does not necessarily reflect incompetence of the staff there but in fact indicates that something went wrong and only a study of the issue could provide answers.Public relations Officer of the entity Alero Proctor, in an interview with this newspaper said that efforts are being made by the hospital staff to cope and better provide medical assistance to the public.The hospital has been plagued by negative reports of deaths especially in the maternal section and the institution’s administration has been hard pressed to clear the air on several such incidents.Proctor added that persons must try to understand that there is only so much the hospital can do in a matter, especially where a maternal patient may have arrived at the hospital with not much time remaining for specific treatment.According to Proctor a death at the hospital, particularly a maternal death, has to be investigated thoroughly before fingers could be pointed or blame is laid.She made it clear that GPHC has on many occasions been castigated by the public for negligence and has often been accused of heartlessness on matters of death occurring at the health institution.The hospital’s PRO stated that many of the deaths occurring at the hospital were matters that were referred to the hospital coming from other locations.The officer went on to say that sometimes when the persons are brought to the GPHC, there may be little the institution could do to assist them.Mrs. Proctor further attributed the unfortunate events of maternal deaths to some mothers not following procedures, such as following doctor’s instructions and attending clinics regularly.The PRO stressed that much of the responsibility of the pregnancy is on the mother carrying the baby.It was made clear that a mother failing to do this may cause or induce complications into the pregnancy.The PRO declared that the hospital is always trying to equip its staff to handle medical and social services.This, Proctor stated, has sparked ongoing training sessions in the area of customer service and maternal health care.Mrs. Proctor told the paper when a child dies at the hospital,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, a social worker is assigned to the mother to assist her in coping with the loss.According to the officer, follow up care such as counseling, social assistance or even financial assistance is rendered to the mother,Teemu Selanne Ducks Throwback Jersey, if the hospital discovers that the woman may be in need.It was also made clear that when a maternal death occurs at the hospital, a Maternal Death Committee is formed to investigate the matter which must be sent to the Ministry of Health.This Committee,Cheap Jeseys NFL, according to Proctor, is inclusive of the Chief Medical Officer,Cheap China Jerseys, Senior Gynecologist and other Heads of Department.This matter is reported to the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital, who also becomes active in producing answers in the death of the individual(s).The PRO said that if any negligence is found on the part of the doctors or staff of the hospital the relevant disciplinary actions are taken.Proctor further went on to address matters of space in the hospital which is another source of much negative publicity.The hospital staff said there is simply not enough space.This, she said,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is why works are being done to expand the Maternity Unit to accommodate 16 beds,Adidas NHL Jerseys China, both on the pre-natal and post-natal floor.Proctor also said that persons make complaints to the hospital and when they are asked to identify the persons, they do not show up.She related that it is difficult to make the necessary changes and adjustments if persons do not get involved in the process or make themselves aware of the formalities of the institution.

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