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發表於 2018-4-20 11:49:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Banks DIM Limited on Sunday,NFL Jerseys From China, reported another profit-making year. At its annual general meeting the company reported that sales in Berbice for 2013 were $2.261 Billion while 1,595,000 cases of the company’s products passed though the Berbice branch.Once again it was told that the Berbice Branch has been a tower of strength and a success story for the company. The Branch for the third consecutive year has come out as the top branch and was awarded theShareholders in Berbice at the Banks DIH annual AGM.Chairman’s Trophy making it the 13th time it has won the award.The Patio Bar was closed and the Kiddies Corner moved to that location to accommodate the construction of the new Citizens Bank next door.  The Kiddies Corner is now realizing sale of $1M a month. No alcohol is being sold there and Reece thanked the parents for supporting the company by taking their kids to the location.The Meeting for Berbice shareholders was the 19th in the Ancient County. It was held at the company’s Berbice head office at Main and Peter D’Aguiar (New Street) Streets, New Amsterdam. The main speaker was Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Clifford Reis.Mr. Reis said that during the last financial year there were some challenges that affected the company in a negative way, among them the continued sluggish global and national economy recovery.He encouraged shareholders not to become despondent, to lose courage or play the blame game, because that will not help.He said that a number of new strategies have been implemented by the  company including being more efficient, introduction of new technology, including the using of robots at its Thirst Park head Office  and  stop paying overtime among others.Long Serving Berbice Branch Manager, Mr. Reginald Matthews, chronicled the success of the Berbice Branch. He said that success comes from proper planning and hard work.“We at the Berbice branch have a passion for success and as much as Tiger Woods craves the PGA trophy and Serena Williams dreams of the Wimbledon title, our passion is to earn the prestigious and coveted Chairman’s trophy.“I am proud to announce that your branch has once again brought home the prize, for the most outstanding department.”The company, he said, surpassed last year’s sale by $215 million. “We sold $2.3 billion, an increase of 11 per cent above the previous year. We have grown from 1,395,000 units to 1,592,000 units, an increase of 196,000 units of products.”At New Amsterdam, he said that the New Amsterdam Qik Serv sold $91.3 million, an increase over last year’s sale of $90.6 million.Matthews echoing the Chairman, Clifford Reis, said, “Our motivation in this new financial year will come from the slogan chosen to guide and direct our activities and decision making. Whereby we maintain our company’s viability and probability by controlling costs, reduce expenses, minimize or eliminate waste and continue to invest in education and training.”Chairman and Managing Director,Mr. Clifford ReisMatthews led the large audience in a round of applause for the chairman, co-managing director and the board of directors for their dynamic leadership and vision they have for Banks DIH limited.The company also continues to show its benevolence to all parts and aspects of Guyanese lives making it a truly Guyanese company.It once again presented two schools in Berbice with cheques to assist them with their development.This year the Eversham and Aucklyne Primary Schools were the beneficiaries.The activity was chaired by Co Managing Director Mr. George Mc Donald while the vote of thanks was delivered by Berbice sales manager Joshua Torrezao.

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