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發表於 2018-4-20 11:54:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Cincinnati went to Indianapolis on Oct. 19 and lost 27-0, the first time in five years that the Bengals were shut out. They didn't even cross midfield until the fourth quarter and finished with 135 total yards.
Andy Dalton threw two more interceptions, and the defense allowed Ben Roethlisberger plenty of time to throw — two very bad signs heading into the postseason.
Even after a first-round loss at home to San Diego last season, Lewis got an extra year added to his contract,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, which runs through 2015. And Dalton got a six-year deal in the offseason as well, so he's likely to be around again, regardless of what happens in Indianapolis.
The Bengals also have never won a playoff game on the road in their history.
Cincinnati's 23-year stretch without a playoff win is tied for sixth-longest in league history. Marvin Lewis is 0-5 in the playoffs; a loss on Sunday would tie him with Marty Schottenheimer, Jim Mora and Steve Owen for most consecutive coaching losses in the playoffs.

And then there's Dalton,Wholesale Jerseys USA, whose 0-3 mark in the playoffs leaves him one shy of tying Warren Moon for most consecutive opening-round losses. He's thrown for one touchdown and six interceptions in the postseason with a passer rating of 56.2.
A loss also would leave Lewis tied with Mora for most consecutive playoff losses to start a career.
Receiver A.J. Green was sidelined for the game with an injured big right toe, and rookie Jeremy Hill hadn't yet been promoted to a starting job, so the Bengals will be a bit different in the rematch.
"Oh, there's a much different mindset,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online," Jackson said. "And there should be. There should be a mindset that has some confidence."
The defending AFC North champions surrendered their title — and the chance for a home playoff game — on Sunday night. Pittsburgh came away with the division championship by beating the bumbling Bengals 27-17 at Heinz Field.
"So last night was kind of a warm-up,Angelo Henriquez Chile Jersey," offensive coordinator Hue Jackson said on Monday. "We kind of didn't pass that test. But that one didn't count for what this one will count for, so we're lucky that way. But onto the next."
The Bengals have been knocked out of the playoffs in the first round each of the past three seasons, with Dalton playing some of his worst games. It's contributed to one of the worst stretches of playoff futility in NFL history.
CINCINNATI (AP) — With another horrid performance in prime time, the Bengals let it slip away.
"In my mind, there's a bigger one than this one," Lewis said.
Cincinnati (10-5-1) had to settle for a wild-card berth after leading the division most of the season. The Bengals will play at Indianapolis (11-5) on Sunday in the first round.
Notes: Green is being evaluated for a concussion after a hard hit knocked him out of the game on Sunday. It's unclear whether he'll be available to practice later in the week or to play on Sunday. ... Lewis said several players came out of the game with minor injuries that shouldn't prevent them from playing in Indianapolis. ... The Bengals went 5-2-1 at home and 5-3 on the road this season. They're 3-7 all-time in Indianapolis,Jerseys Wholesale, having dropped their past seven games there since 1998.
With so much focus on just getting one playoff win, Lewis is talking about a bigger picture — winning a Super Bowl, which the Bengals have never accomplished. They're 0-2 in title games.
Up next is a familiar foe that provided some of the Bengals' worst moments of the season.
It was a huge disappointment for a team that hasn't won a playoff game since the 1990 season and has been at its worst in the biggest games,Cheap Jerseys From China, such as the one on Sunday night.
"No, we don't feel any more pressure," Dalton said on Monday. "We understand what we're trying to accomplish. It's something that ever since I got here we've been trying to do. We've got a good test this week and a good opportunity to go get our first (playoff) win."

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