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[足球] NFL Jerseys China Irfaat









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發表於 2018-4-20 14:29:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Old people does suffer from weak bladder and people can understand but when a young person walking around wid he crotch wet people does think all kind of thing. Some people does think bout prostate cancer but never about Irfaat case.Irfaat got to Miami wid de Rat fuh celebrate he,Cheap Baltimore Ravens Jerseys, Irfaat,Wholesale Jerseys, burrday. Was a nice party and people still smiling today. Some of dem laughing.De party was in full swing; people see Irfaat drunk and wining up bad. Dem boys seh that he had to be a real,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, real dance man. But wha dem didn’t know was that he was holding in something. And is not like in Guyana wheh you could run by a post and leggo.Dem boys see Irfaat close he eye and he head moving from side to side. Dem thought is faint he fainting. But then he smile. Is relief. De man pee heself. All he pants front wet,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, he shoes wet and he lef a trail when he walk.People start fuh notice and is then he pick up a waiter and cover de pants front. De people didn’t hear when de Rat tell he to go to he de Rat car and collect a pants; that he does walk wid spare. De same thing does happen to he.Right away dem boys remember de photo wid de Rat holding he crotch in New York at an Indian Day parade. Irfaat been wid he that time too. Like something rub off.And while this been going on they had a man lashing from he boss right down in GT. Daniel start this thing since he was wukking wid Karren at Guywa and it tun a habit. He mek Karren sing.He wukking wid Barbie and de Rat now but he ain’t stop. He start wid Barbie and tun he into a Barbie Doll. Then he move down de line. He lash Nigel de Willie and all. He try a thing wid den three gyal but dem walk off de wuk.Dem boys seh that he planning to visit State House but somebody got news fuh he. Dem got a more serious lash man does deh bout deh and Daniel could feel de squeeze.Talk half and watch Irfaat pants front.

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